Friday, December 16, 2022

Did the Grinch really destroy Christmas??

Friday, December 16, 2022

oldbearnews editor

We live in interesting times

Last night we finished watching Tim Allen's Santa Clauses - a six part mini series.  Theme of the show - it is more about the giving then the receiving of gifts!

Then this morning I saw two headlines in the news:

There are also a ton of clips online that have similar themes - most recent I saw was from a trial of a dude who beat up a reporter just because he did not like what the reporter wrote!  He agreed that he used violence and would not like to be treated in same manner, then went on to state that he felt he was 100% justified in his actions, as the written word - was offensive / threatening to him which required retributions!!! Go figure

Cruise the news and you will keep finding similar stories all the time!

During a mid 70's study with a youth group we learned that we live in an "Egocentric" time.  Or as I like to say - it is all about me and my feelings! Critical self reflection and contemplation of your own actions is no longer part of their lives! The classical mantra is - I can do whatever - wherever -whomever I want to do and no one can tell me otherwise. Whence the anti authority movements we see on the increase - the de-fund the Police / Religion / Army / Anti law and order systems - School's even - unless they can be controlled and used as tools for furthering their own goals! 

And boy - are they angry - on a level that is hard to fathom! 


The "Grinch" has not yet featured in Allen's Santa movies - although one could
argue that Jack Frost would fit the mold very nicely!   All protagonists had one thing in common - they think of their own needs / wants first before thinking of others. 

The Christmas Grinch story serves as a reminder that during the Christmas season (and really - all year round), it is not about the presents and getting stuff, but caring about one another and the loving family and friends you are with. And if you happen to have a “Grinch” among your loved ones during this holiday season, remember that her/his shows of anger or frustration are very likely to mask deeper, more difficult feelings of pain that are much harder to experience and to show! And if YOU are the Grinch -  consider this:

From Yoda - Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

(its just a coincidence that they - along with Kermit - are in GREEN!!)

Sadly there will be a lot more suffering yet! Unless of course we can hold on to the notion of CHRIST - MAS(s)  and spread some good news ourselves!

Have fun! bear print

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