Thursday, July 22, 2021

0800sunnytourist beeing reverse engineered

Thursday, July 22, 2021 0

oldbearnews editor

Well - what can I say.  Seems the folks in the dessert have heard about the New Zealand spraying program (if you remember - designed for clearing the skies for the tourists so they can take true blue dome day photos in their fav holiday spots)! 

Then they took the idea and reversed the idea!!  Good on them!! Not that this particular idea has been round  for a few years . . . . .

No royalties from the project will be forthcoming - so that is a bit of a bummer . . .

Have fun! bear print

Does Humanity need to build another Ark???

oldbearnews editor

News from around the world are not great.

Apart from a virus running rampart there is the annual rainfall season and many places have experienced floods!  Germany / New Zealand and China are the most recent places where there has been a decent rainfall creating "downstream" issues.  There is nothing funny about rising waters - it is a menace in many respects! Trying to "dry out" a house is different from drying a few clothes!  Of course people need to blame someone - anyone or something for their misfortune, and they shout from the roof - "Global climate change!"

Yeah right!   Nature will do what nature wants to do.  Has done so for millennia and will do for the next few millennia! 

Today's news-piece from our sometime honest writers ---->

If you get to the bottom of this article you will find the last paragraph - expressing the very thought I had for the last 50 years!!

snip --- China routinely experiences floods during the summer, but the growth of cities and conversion of farmland into subdivisions has worsened the impact of such events.  --- end snip

Vehicles are stranded after a heavy downpour in Zhengzhou city.  Well duh - IF you build houses in what is historically known to be a flood plain - why are you peeved when there is a flood flooding your precious dwelling???  

W H O S  fault is that then!!!    Have a good look into the mirror, and leave Climate change alone!!


Have fun! bear print

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