Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The oddity of being a christian minority in a Christian majority country

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

oldbearnews editor

New Zealand has a interesting human (or lack thereof) history. For millions of years no HUMAN set foot on our islands.  Then some 1000 years or so back the first settlers came - our local Maori.

Later - after Cook - originally some English folks settled and of course many followed afterwards. With that came a raft of issues - some easily solved - others still being worked on.  Christianity was embraced and for a while would have been practiced in almost every household. . . . 

As time progressed - well - the story is that when I came first to these lovely shores in 1984- I was told that in 25 years time I would be the last Methodist left standing and it would be my job to make sure to go round and turn off the lights in the church - then lock up and go about my business.  Well - we are not there - yet. It did however highlight that less and less people adhere to being a "Christian"!

The 2018 Census data on that is really interesting!! It can be found via NZ-wikipedia and downloaded as a spreadsheet!

Religion (NZ 2018 Census

    48.6% No religion
    37.3% Christianity
    2.7% Hinduism
    1.3% Islam
    1.1% Buddhism
    2.3% Others
    6.7% No answer

Note - There is about 160 odd "SUB-groups eg Anglican/Catholic/Methodist etc etc.  AND a whole raft of groups/ideology I have never heard of . . . 

Wiccan???  And what do people belonging to the  "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" - do worship-wise???? 

At first glance the Christianity still reigns supreme at 37.3 % of the population.

Add the No religion/Atheists and no answer - and you get more then 50%.  Irrespective - clearly only a smitten over a 3rd of the population adheres in some form or other to  being a Christian.

So the following news stories are not overly surprising - right?!


 sadly - it would seem that some folks have taken matters into their own hands and - "extinguished" some lights . . . . 



I long held the belief (which seems is a very french thing) of life and let life! Meaning that I hope I am tolerant enough to let other people go about their business - AS LONG as that is reciprocated.  EG - they do not force their particular faith/belief systems (whatever that may be) on myself.  

You want to practice hocus pokus in your home - fine!! Just do not expect me (or force me) to do the same hocus pokus in my own home! 

Today very few countries are totally homogeneous - rather these days they are very much a societies with a variety of religion/ cultures present - or as they say - a melting pot of culture! Our own PM had it half right when pre-pandemic she implored kiwis to be "kind" to each other! In order to live harmoniousness together we need a good dose of tolerance!

Alas - it seems that said tolerance is in very short supply in NZ and dear one says it - in most other places in our world!!  Tolerance requires you of accepting others as they are - while being able to hold on to your own belief systems! 

Tolerance is the stepping stone towards 'consideration' of other peoples life's before you pound your own chest.  

Sadly we have moved on to individualism in such a great way that nowadays the "It is all about me" religion is the biggest faith system practiced on our Globe!  Where will this end I ask you? 

The words of Matthew ring never truer - - 

Matthew 7:3 -->  Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?



Have fun! bear print

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