We arrived on the Gondala only to find that they were closed for "maintenance" till Friday - the day we leave for Vienna. Rangi - our traveling teddy bear was not to be discouraged - so he decided to head into the alps and snow. As you can see we found it - about 30 cm deep. Wohoo.
Sadly the northern side of the Alps suffered from a wind (same as the NZ Norewester) - warm and dry and what little snow there was in Salzburg has long since gone.
Today - Thursday we got up early and picked up Oma and walked to the "Schranne" a market place for farmers to sell their goods. Those old enough might remember the old Victoria market in CHCH - know what we are talking about. Anyhow they had everything from bread and tasty sweet morsels to various vegetables and all kinds of meat products. Naturally we had to part with some of our money and we just had to buy the Strawberries (thanks Italy) and half a loaf of "Kletzen-bread" and Oma wanted some eggs. While there we just had to take a photo of this cute Krampus. He is fully edible and made from sultanas and figs and dried plums. Yumm
You catch the Gondala to the top and then you can ski down at this side - you can see the track in the middle of the mountain - well if you know what you are looking for. Then there are the legends and folklore stories about the man in the mountain and the ravens and . . . The mountain is also host to a group of eagles who can be seen at times soaring and looking for food during the summer months.
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