we are all safely back home from the Cub camp. Everyone had a lot of fun. 13 cubs went camping near Waipara and we had help from two of our Ventures - who wish to remain incognito! -- Considering that they ate for breakfast Fruit Jelly - no wonder. For those of you who don't believe me - evidence is attached!!! And don't they just look like two mafioso - scarifying our Cubs?????
Some of the activities cubs did were Archery / Rifle Shooting / a 30 meter drop water slide / made a mini raft and "nuked" it in the river / were challenged across the cross country fitness course / sung songs around the Campfire / rode down the 100 m flying fox / trekked for two hours to be in spirit with our other Bishopdale-Harewood Scouts trekking round the Port Hills / and best of all - we invested 4 new members who flew up from Keas!
(or other assorted wanna-be bears) went camping!
One can sum up this camp with the words of an ex Kea "Cubs is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more fun then being a Kea" - Go that girl - cub!!!
Well I am knackered - I call it a day and go and get some shut-eye!
Job well done Jon-e :)
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