Saturday, September 3, 2022

Why Mainstream news media can no longer report HONESTLY

Saturday, September 3, 2022

oldbearnews editor

Ok - our "" site is a def left leaning news media - so far left that it is almost lying down . . . 

It just copies blindly many left leaning news "worthy" stories without giving it so much as an editorial check - - -no wonder then that many people no longer trust them (or any other main news organizations) to report honestly!!  AND most importantly - it has closed  its editorial mind on this issue - no questions are allowed to query the "human induced bad weather events" that make your life so miserable! Skeptics and deniers are banned from its news life cycle! Go figure!! Surely a healthy robust debate on its merits is the rock-bed foundation of a good healthy developing scientific debate!! Alas - no longer

Case in point - this mornings story about a cacti (copied from the Washington Post) : dies

Sure -- its demise is a sad thing - and especially so seeing it was a semi famous photogenic being!!  This story appeared under the "Climate change" section!

It goes on to suggest that climate change is "probably" not to blame --- THEN uses a "but" and uses a lengthy paragraph trying to prove that very point of changes in climate! 

Well - NEWSFLASH - this type of Cacti has an average lifespan of 150 years; so for it to have lasted just past an estimated 210 years or so - it has done exceptionally well.

A quick wiki search on this type of cacti will tell you the same - - - - It has died of OLD AGE - a natural occurring phenomena!! Nothing to do with Climate.

If only they had edited that story and included a paragraph on its expected life cycle to give some 'Balance" to the story . . . . .

The only good news in this story was of the continuing benefit to the immediate close environment (bugs etc)  it does provide from its post-demise!!

'Comments' section on the Stuff site - not available - wonder why??  Maybe they fear that someone like me might say something that they find  - what - shocking?!?!?!  Upsetting??  Balancing?? Truthful??  Or Factual without the emotions - ah yes - that might be it!!!

Have fun! bear print

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