Thursday, September 29, 2022

Humanity mistakes knowledge with wisdom

Thursday, September 29, 2022

oldbearnews editor




Sometimes I think the more we know the dumber we become - or at least make bad choices! There is also a certain amount of arrogance at play here.  

In the beginning when humans run round earth freely - everything was fine until that fateful day when a snake tempted Eve who tempted Adam. The moment we had eaten from the forbidden fruit - yeah THAT apple - from THAT tree - (of knowledge) - things sometimes have gone worse for
wear so to speak.

Being endowed with knowledge does not make you automatically smart.  And to pretend otherwise just makes you a wisecrack and arrogant. 

Communism sees the world as in imperfect place that only they can "fix" with central structure and thought! As is often the case - once bureaucrats make decisions there is a hit and miss on desired outcomes - and so often accompanied by unintended consequences!! 

Case in point - the Chinese (communist) leadership were afraid of uncontrolled population growth - so in their great wisdom they decided to "control" the issue, eventually leading to the 'one child' policy.  On the surface a good idea.  The unintended consequences are as follows: 

An imbalance of girls vs boys with boys being more "valuable" commodity in their society! Thus there is a massive imbalance within the current generation - by a factor of 2 to 1!! What will that lead too????? To visualize this - in a setting that's more easily understood - imagine an end of year party for a high-school class - with 8 girls and 22 Boys attending!! Who will dance with whom???? Who gets to choose?? Who will be left behind or miss out leading to resentment etc????

The other unintended thing is - estimated that by 2030 - yes that is only 8 years from now - (hahaha apart from AOC's claim that the earth/humanity will cease to exist by then - sorry had to toss that in here) China's population will have a great imbalance in ages - meaning that it will have more people aged 60 or older then the rest of the combined  people which - once many of the older folks die away - that by 2050 the population of China will have halved - approximately.  That's still some 600 million mouths to feed . . .

I hear you - less people for the planet is a good thing -yeah - nah.

The world would be wise to start diversifying its manufacturing  business - and spread it all over the world. As far as I know, there is no social service pension at play inside China - meaning - as the saying goes - "No work No rice bowl"!! You either rely on the ever diminishing children / young people to look after you in your old age - or - you starve or work until you die!  What will that do to the society????

The dude in this Video has it right - as had the Tom Clancy Novel - I am convinced that they will at some stage make a land grab from parts of Siberia!!! They will follow Putin's lead and settle some of their folks - then claim it as "their ancestral land"" and defend it with everything they got!!

Brace yourself - for I fear that a few non-wise choices are being made!

Have fun! 

bear print




Ps - My wife says: - "Knowledge is knowing that Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing you do not add it to your fruit-salad!!!"    :)

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