1; we cant get decent sauerkraut and
2; the sausage required here are not spicy enough.
Not to be outdone we did seem to manage. Anyhow you start by layering a hot sauerkraut followed by the fried sausage meat and then the cooked rice followed by the browned curry mince and lastly another layer of Kraut - topped with sour cream and sprinkled with ground paprika. Bake in mod. oven for around 30 min at 200 degrees Celsius. Serve with cold salad and a glass of medium wine - delicious!!!! oh I forgot the various spices and onion and garlic - well - season to taste.
The thing I learned - google siebenburgen kraut and you will come across a website that tells you all about historic settlements near Translyvania (yes Dracula Country) very very interesting reading that was. And of course - in my old age - clean forgotten my history lessons from school.
Anyhow it was a hot day again and Mamabear did fancy a Pavlova - a traditional New Zealand dessert. To hot to bake it, so we cheated and went to the supermarket and picked one up. In the fotos you can see the nearly finished product and then - well bon appetit.
Hmmm my see-food diet has not started - contrary to my boys opinion, who believe that a see-food diet for me entails see the food - ergo eat it!!!!
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