I have to tell you I think last night we blew Mamabear's mind out of her cortex!!!
We went into town 11 pm -ish and every men and his wife or dog went there too! The amount of people having a drink and good time was unbelievable - and more so as nearly everyone blew some firecrackers and sky rockets. There was a continuous bang and whizz and uuhhhhhh's and ahhhhh's. And yet Harald tells us it was poorly attended. Bugger - if this was poorly I do not want to know what a "good" crowd is!! The explosives going of in all shapes and directions are heaps more louder and stronger that anything you can get in NZ. These local native salzburgian (and the busloads of Italians and Germans that came too) certainly know how to party. And all this based on an ancient custom to freighten away any bad spirit in order to see in the new year in the best possible way!! The event was followed by a 10 min public fireworks display - fiered from near the castle. We did video some of it - 150mb and 2.40 min later we run out of space on our card. But then the party just started with equal equal amounts of oldies heading home and youngies heading into the town for more firecrackers and champange and dancing!!!!
Then when we woke up (lol - on same day) - it SNOWS. Yes thick and heavey, the road is covered and Mamabear is now completly lost in her brain!!! We will see if now we can make our snowman - as promised to Brush!!!! It also means we might have to leave 60 min earlier as intended as driving on the autobahn is just a tad more hazardous!!!!!
You never know - we might yet be stuck here!!!!
Be good and Broom, Brush, Spade, Mr Schick and G.H. - I see you at Staveley Scoout camp!!
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