woke yet to another stunner - Salzburg -10 celsius and other parts of the province had temps below -15 to -20 Celsius.
The Local Temp for Cristchurch yesterday was +30.
That's a 40 degree shift.
I will need a aircon on my scout camp or I will wilt!!! :D
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
EU being like the USA?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Will the EU ever become like the USA or Australia (or even Great Britain) is with many local states but with a federal Govt over the top?
It was a question I had after I heard about the euro being floated many years back (was it b4 2000???). For us who recently traveled round Europe some things became clearer. I am not sure the locals can see it thou, and if you press them they will most likely deny it. Funny how your own patch and local identity is still more important, then the greater good. I guess this will never change - and if you look hard enough into the States and Australia you will find that local pride does still sit deep within the people. Just ask any self respecting Sydney person what they think of the "Brisso's"!
Then there would need to be some further generations living here with out any war experience in Europe. The common currency and the open border certainly helped in developing a culture of easier communication and travel. Most people in the European countries are now bilingual as a minimum!! That being the local lingo and English as a base and then many will speak another language as well. As people have found it easier to travel and taken up the opportunity the "local" flavor is changing. How easy is it to travel?? Example - there are now 30 German airlines touting for business and if you book early enough you can have some really cheap flights - a city hop of euro $30 is not uncommon. We took advantage of the "Bayern Ticket" a train ride of maximum of 5 people from Salzburg to Munich for $29 euros! If 5 travel together that's almost like catching the local bus!! In price at least.
It is hard to see the EU states to give up their independence totally (like I'm sure it is unlikely that they ever agree to let go of their own military) and yet so much is already being "federalized". Who can forget the ruling from Brussels about the shape and "curve" of the Banana?? Recently the health arm of the EU made a public statement of the chances of all european people getting better or worse in the hospitals (and listed them by State's) and wants each state to list improvements needed to rise the "performance" criteria by such and such date.
Will the EU become similar to the USA or Australia?? In my opinion it has every chance to develop into this direction!! The Question really is - can the people get over the historic differences and accept a greater federal government structure as in opposed to maintain their own independence ?? Give them 200 years of no wars and fighting and who knows???
One other question would be - will this be a good thing for our world???
Time will tell - but yes this traveller and former native to Salzburg can see it happening, with an ounce of luck and a lot of goodwill!!
Feel free to disagree.
Post script
Ok I know that the USA or the Aussies had a different start to their nationhood, as opposed to Europe who are currently all sovereign states in their own rights. Those of you critical enough will note though that the USA had in the past some wars over territorry plus one war on ideology (freedom on slaves).
All I am saying is that it has a pretty good chance to develop into something similar - wether it will - longterm - is another question.
It was a question I had after I heard about the euro being floated many years back (was it b4 2000???). For us who recently traveled round Europe some things became clearer. I am not sure the locals can see it thou, and if you press them they will most likely deny it. Funny how your own patch and local identity is still more important, then the greater good. I guess this will never change - and if you look hard enough into the States and Australia you will find that local pride does still sit deep within the people. Just ask any self respecting Sydney person what they think of the "Brisso's"!
Then there would need to be some further generations living here with out any war experience in Europe. The common currency and the open border certainly helped in developing a culture of easier communication and travel. Most people in the European countries are now bilingual as a minimum!! That being the local lingo and English as a base and then many will speak another language as well. As people have found it easier to travel and taken up the opportunity the "local" flavor is changing. How easy is it to travel?? Example - there are now 30 German airlines touting for business and if you book early enough you can have some really cheap flights - a city hop of euro $30 is not uncommon. We took advantage of the "Bayern Ticket" a train ride of maximum of 5 people from Salzburg to Munich for $29 euros! If 5 travel together that's almost like catching the local bus!! In price at least.
It is hard to see the EU states to give up their independence totally (like I'm sure it is unlikely that they ever agree to let go of their own military) and yet so much is already being "federalized". Who can forget the ruling from Brussels about the shape and "curve" of the Banana?? Recently the health arm of the EU made a public statement of the chances of all european people getting better or worse in the hospitals (and listed them by State's) and wants each state to list improvements needed to rise the "performance" criteria by such and such date.
Will the EU become similar to the USA or Australia?? In my opinion it has every chance to develop into this direction!! The Question really is - can the people get over the historic differences and accept a greater federal government structure as in opposed to maintain their own independence ?? Give them 200 years of no wars and fighting and who knows???
One other question would be - will this be a good thing for our world???
Time will tell - but yes this traveller and former native to Salzburg can see it happening, with an ounce of luck and a lot of goodwill!!
Feel free to disagree.
Post script
Ok I know that the USA or the Aussies had a different start to their nationhood, as opposed to Europe who are currently all sovereign states in their own rights. Those of you critical enough will note though that the USA had in the past some wars over territorry plus one war on ideology (freedom on slaves).
All I am saying is that it has a pretty good chance to develop into something similar - wether it will - longterm - is another question.
The real Jack frost is knocking on the door
wohooo -
The Marionetten Theater was soo cool. You eventually forgot that they WERE puppets and on strings. The play was good and short (yes it was a shortened 1 hour version of the opera) but you heard all the favorites arias and songs. Interestingly enough there were heaps of under fives there with their parents. Good way to introduce the kids to opera!!
Anyhow - we woke yet to another stunner -blue skies and -10 degrees and other parts of the province had -17 degrees. I jokingly suggested to my sister it is time to invent a battery powered bootwarmer. Some coil etc - it would do the trick - only to be told that it already exists for the ski-ers! Seems to many complaints about cold feet while sking were made so the industry created and catered for the demand.
The proffesional skiers even get jackets that are battery powered and keep them warm!!
Wonder if I can flog one for myself? ? ?
Well we decided to help my sister in th ekitchen today as she is cooking a rather special meal and then use what little warmth there is in the afternoon to get and buy our boys their christmas presents! Given the weight restrictions it will have to be small and light!!!!
The Marionetten Theater was soo cool. You eventually forgot that they WERE puppets and on strings. The play was good and short (yes it was a shortened 1 hour version of the opera) but you heard all the favorites arias and songs. Interestingly enough there were heaps of under fives there with their parents. Good way to introduce the kids to opera!!
Anyhow - we woke yet to another stunner -blue skies and -10 degrees and other parts of the province had -17 degrees. I jokingly suggested to my sister it is time to invent a battery powered bootwarmer. Some coil etc - it would do the trick - only to be told that it already exists for the ski-ers! Seems to many complaints about cold feet while sking were made so the industry created and catered for the demand.
The proffesional skiers even get jackets that are battery powered and keep them warm!!
Wonder if I can flog one for myself? ? ?
Well we decided to help my sister in th ekitchen today as she is cooking a rather special meal and then use what little warmth there is in the afternoon to get and buy our boys their christmas presents! Given the weight restrictions it will have to be small and light!!!!
Frosty the snowman
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Frosty is here
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Today (Sun) dawned clear , and the temp plummeted - overnight to -10 degrees. Yep Frosty is here!! Today's "high" is forecast for -3!!! We had many a frosty starts but never this bad. Today is the first time that the windscreen on the car has a layer of ice. Must be a drier air round here!!! Certainly drier then Christchurch!!! Anyhow we both got a decent cold / flu and we just hope it clears b4 we fly out again!! Today we are invited to breakfast at Ulli and Guenthers place and later in the afternoon we will be seeing the Marionetten Theater - all indoor jobs.
Which after yesterdays cold visit to Munich is just as well.
Yes folks we got a special train ticket and went to munich where we were met by mayzoon, wolfi and teggers (all regular scoutlink chatters) and we had a guided tour through the inner city of Munich. There is a photo of it - will upload later!! Luckily I had my thermals on! A wind came in from the Poland / Russia region that is always spine chilling! It was Freeeeeeezing. It isn't just that it is cold - it actually seeps past your layers of clothing and gets into your skin.
The lack of sun did not help either - with a low layer of fog keeping everything cold. Anyhow after two hours of walking round seeing various sights it was time to have something warm to eat - ended up having pizza. The Italian waiter speaking fluently 3 languages!! After that we took the underground to train station. Trains left every hour and we had 10 min to catch one so decided to call it a day and head back home. I think I am paying for it now - I'm all gummed up and have a wicked cough! nm - only a few more days and then we had into warmer climates.
Supplement - lunchtime Sun 27th.
had a lovely time at Ullli's. We got into the car and found it to be cold in there as well - in fact - I had left a 350ml bottle of sprite in it - and it was frozen solid!!!!! Just the way micky likes it!!!
Still by the time we left at lunch it has almost defrosted - lovely sunshine today!!
Today (Sun) dawned clear , and the temp plummeted - overnight to -10 degrees. Yep Frosty is here!! Today's "high" is forecast for -3!!! We had many a frosty starts but never this bad. Today is the first time that the windscreen on the car has a layer of ice. Must be a drier air round here!!! Certainly drier then Christchurch!!! Anyhow we both got a decent cold / flu and we just hope it clears b4 we fly out again!! Today we are invited to breakfast at Ulli and Guenthers place and later in the afternoon we will be seeing the Marionetten Theater - all indoor jobs.
Which after yesterdays cold visit to Munich is just as well.
Yes folks we got a special train ticket and went to munich where we were met by mayzoon, wolfi and teggers (all regular scoutlink chatters) and we had a guided tour through the inner city of Munich. There is a photo of it - will upload later!! Luckily I had my thermals on! A wind came in from the Poland / Russia region that is always spine chilling! It was Freeeeeeezing. It isn't just that it is cold - it actually seeps past your layers of clothing and gets into your skin.
The lack of sun did not help either - with a low layer of fog keeping everything cold. Anyhow after two hours of walking round seeing various sights it was time to have something warm to eat - ended up having pizza. The Italian waiter speaking fluently 3 languages!! After that we took the underground to train station. Trains left every hour and we had 10 min to catch one so decided to call it a day and head back home. I think I am paying for it now - I'm all gummed up and have a wicked cough! nm - only a few more days and then we had into warmer climates.
Supplement - lunchtime Sun 27th.
had a lovely time at Ullli's. We got into the car and found it to be cold in there as well - in fact - I had left a 350ml bottle of sprite in it - and it was frozen solid!!!!! Just the way micky likes it!!!
Still by the time we left at lunch it has almost defrosted - lovely sunshine today!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Glorious and bloody cold
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Well we had a (as Augi would have said - ) a blue dome day, so decided to grab the opportunity and head up Untersberg (remember - the mountain papabear could see from his bedroom while a child)
Trust me it was jolly cold. The Scenery though was fantastic and a small sample of the pics are enclosed here.
Top second on right - the view from top towards the town of Salzburg, and yes airport runway s just visible on the left hand side of the picture!!
It was a rather steep climb in some parts and the only way mamabear could make it was on her ample bumm- slipping and sliding down!! Who needs a sled????
Friday, December 26, 2008
Mission Failed
Friday, December 26, 2008
After the turkey and a lazy afternoon we went to the Salzburg Christkindl market. For the first time the Market was allowed to be open till Dec 25th - 6 pm. Usually they close up on the early afternoon on the 24th!! Mamabear had her last "official" Gluehwein at a Christkindl market for a looooooong time. Which is probably a good thing as her work collagues already think she needs to attend a detox clinic once returned to New Zealand!!! Much to shed - weight she has.
Broom, Brush, Spade -
I am very sorry to say - I have FAILED in my (Secret) Mission to spring Li'l O'l Smiley from her Majesties Hospitality!! Seems the security measures at Old Blighty is rather strong and hard to crack! I'm sorry but it would appear that our comrade in arms will have to endure yet another winter in the Tower of London!!
Smiley, we miss you, and we would have loved to see you!!!!
Broom, Brush, Spade -
I am very sorry to say - I have FAILED in my (Secret) Mission to spring Li'l O'l Smiley from her Majesties Hospitality!! Seems the security measures at Old Blighty is rather strong and hard to crack! I'm sorry but it would appear that our comrade in arms will have to endure yet another winter in the Tower of London!!
Smiley, we miss you, and we would have loved to see you!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hiding the Loot
Thursday, December 25, 2008
We must have been a good boy and girl - Santa was very nice to us.
In fact we got so much we are about 4 kg over our suitcase allowance. Which is a pity cause we got a major problem!!!! Ah well there is nothing to it - we just have to eat our way through our 4 kilogram of earlier purchased Mozart kugeln!! Such sacrifice . . . .
Sorry boys
Better go an get my share from Mrs Clause!!!
We must have been a good boy and girl - Santa was very nice to us.
In fact we got so much we are about 4 kg over our suitcase allowance. Which is a pity cause we got a major problem!!!! Ah well there is nothing to it - we just have to eat our way through our 4 kilogram of earlier purchased Mozart kugeln!! Such sacrifice . . . .
Sorry boys
Better go an get my share from Mrs Clause!!!
Mrs Santa Claus on a Harley Davidson
I let you be the judge of that!!!
How CAN anyone resist that smile???? - or the bike even?? Sigh . . . . .
Anyway this Mrs Santa Claus on this Harley Davidson had no difficulty distributing her presents to her Mr. Claus!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
the big day has arrived and -u know the story - it was the night b4 Christmas, and not a sound to be heard, not even a mouse stirred???
Well we are up - its 9 am and the house is dead quiet!! We are gonna have a brunch later and seeing I was up earlier I walked to the local bakery and picked up some bread and other things. Yummm. Now just catching up on blog / email / txt / msn / and facebook!!
Then after brunch we are going over to Harald's garage and start the motor on his second wife - a Harley Davidson Soft tail! hehehe - (for those who don't know ----> Harley fatboy
At 5 pm we will be in church and after that we will have a traditional Wallner family Christmas meal. Pressies after that. Oh and at some time we will have to ring our boys up too.
Anyhow - everyone that has followed our blog - so nice of you -
the big day has arrived and -u know the story - it was the night b4 Christmas, and not a sound to be heard, not even a mouse stirred???
Well we are up - its 9 am and the house is dead quiet!! We are gonna have a brunch later and seeing I was up earlier I walked to the local bakery and picked up some bread and other things. Yummm. Now just catching up on blog / email / txt / msn / and facebook!!
Then after brunch we are going over to Harald's garage and start the motor on his second wife - a Harley Davidson Soft tail! hehehe - (for those who don't know ----> Harley fatboy
At 5 pm we will be in church and after that we will have a traditional Wallner family Christmas meal. Pressies after that. Oh and at some time we will have to ring our boys up too.
Anyhow - everyone that has followed our blog - so nice of you -
Lenghty tunnels
I meant to add - to get to the other side of the alps you have to go through 4 major tunnels (major = more then 3 km in length - the longest was 9 km) and several small ones (small being anything from 300 m to 1.5 km)!! and yes - it is a bit of a weather divide!!

In case you doubted my word earlier - here is a pic (not photoshopped) of Mamabear skating on thin ice - and trying hard to chase little Daniel on his skates. And yes she fell down once! very gracefully and with style. I gave her a 9.5 for style and 5.9 for the technique displayed!!
Today we picked up Oma and drove towards Linz - Pucking actually and saw my Auntie Elizabeth- as well as my cousins-once-removed! way cool. Spent lunch and part of the afternoon there! Mamabear doing lots of breaking again on the autobahn!! (covered another 120 km there and then back again! - in record time, I am so gonna miss that!!!)
Anyhow we both are knackered - and looks like we are getting a cold so might call it a early night and then have all of the 24th to look forward to!
MERRY (snowy) CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!!
Papabear and Mamabear
Anyhow we both are knackered - and looks like we are getting a cold so might call it a early night and then have all of the 24th to look forward to!
MERRY (snowy) CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!!
Papabear and Mamabear
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Day started with rain and drizzle and we didn't fancy stomping round Munich in this miserable weather so after the usual morning routine we got in the car and went in search for either snow or sunshine - whichever came first. Drove towards the alps and got as far as the Hohe Tauern, where it just started to snow- figures = right on the middle of nowhere and high enough up. So decided to go through the tunnel and came out on the other side - surprise surprise - beautiful blue skies.
This was only marred by the low lying fog that came from the rivers and lakes. Carinthia is known for its lakes and baths. Where else in the world can you enter a mountain one one side with heavy snow and come out the other side and have sunshine?????
Luckily for us he agreed to have his pic taken!
Yes folks Christmas here is celebrated on 24th Dec - which is just dandy for the time difference to ring ol New Zealand on the 25th their time!!
All in all we did just a smitten over 450km round trip! Not bad for a lazy Monday morning ESCAPE drive. Shame we had to be back home tonight - and get ready for visiting my auntie in Pucking tomorrow - or we would have stayed a night in Villach - and not having a toothbrush would not have worried us!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lazy hazy sunday
Sunday, December 21, 2008
lol - well the alarm did go at 7.30 am - but not a mouse stirred and it is getting towards Christmas so everyone decided to have a sleep in - now its 10.16 am and breakfast is slowly coming.
It is raining again - snow level set at 800 meters above sea level and Salzburg is 400!
We will have to brave the rain and go to the railway station and find out what time the Munich express leaves - for euro 30 up to 5 people can travel by train to Munich - which is exactly what we will be doing on Monday - and visit yet another Christkindl market. You never know - we might yet find a pressie for our boys there. Wonder if we get another cup????
It is raining again - snow level set at 800 meters above sea level and Salzburg is 400!
We will have to brave the rain and go to the railway station and find out what time the Munich express leaves - for euro 30 up to 5 people can travel by train to Munich - which is exactly what we will be doing on Monday - and visit yet another Christkindl market. You never know - we might yet find a pressie for our boys there. Wonder if we get another cup????
Christkindl market
Silent night
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Santa caught breaking and entering?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Either that or . . . . . . .
Wohooo would have been so cool
Or we make u watch the sound of music film 100 times non stop!!
Dees you are great!!
One hopes it was on the way up so that the pressies are still being delivered!! Wonder if he will need help at my sisters place???
Santa claus
Skating queen
Wohoo - that day started drab and got worse - rain again so most of the snow got nearly all washed away today. Still more snow is forecast for tomorrow.
Let Mamabear sleep till 9.35 - then she had a late breakfast. After that and a quick chat with jade we went to my mothers place for lunch - but not before we caught a bus into town to fetch the pre-ordered tickets to the shortened opera "The Magic flute" which will be played by the famous Marionetten Theater.
marionetten theater
After Lunch showed all our photos via lapp-top to Oma and then later back to my sisters place - where we decided to go to the local our door ice skating ring (roofed) where mamabear and her nephew had fun playing tag. Not sure who had more fun - them skating or me watching!!
Quiet night tonight so will catch up with blog / email / msn / scoutlink
Be good
Let Mamabear sleep till 9.35 - then she had a late breakfast. After that and a quick chat with jade we went to my mothers place for lunch - but not before we caught a bus into town to fetch the pre-ordered tickets to the shortened opera "The Magic flute" which will be played by the famous Marionetten Theater.
marionetten theater
After Lunch showed all our photos via lapp-top to Oma and then later back to my sisters place - where we decided to go to the local our door ice skating ring (roofed) where mamabear and her nephew had fun playing tag. Not sure who had more fun - them skating or me watching!!
Quiet night tonight so will catch up with blog / email / msn / scoutlink
Be good
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow fall - here is the proof
Friday, December 19, 2008
well lets see if i can post this - its a video file - no idea if this works
sorry - i could but not a 90 MB file
maybe i can put it on u-tube and link it from there
I might have to try later tonight
Be good
sorry - i could but not a 90 MB file
maybe i can put it on u-tube and link it from there
I might have to try later tonight
Be good
White Christmas is a possibility
It made for a challenging drive later in the evening as the roads where more like a ice ring and you had to be careful how you drove round the corners - or you need a panel beater. Suffice to say the car is still in good shape - mamabears nerves on the other hand . . . . . . .
As I sit here and write on the following morning this pic was taken, I look out the window and it is snowing heavily again. Wohooooo
Anyhow - all this snow must have worn mamabear out - its 9.12 am and she is still asleep! I shall have to wake her soon.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Let it snow, let it snow - mark 2
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday 18th Dec am
Just woke up and looked out the window - yah there is a dusting of white stuff. Forecast is for more later in the day - and all day tomorrow.
Sadly some parts of Austria have had way to much snow - like 1.5 m - 2 m. It meant that the army has been mobilized and having to clear the snow of the roofs as the weight is now getting dangerous. Also the avalanche risk has increased tenfold. and some villages are still cut of from the outside world and electricity supply is interrupted in some parts. So you see - it is possible to have to much of a good thing!
Well quick shower and then we are off to buy the famous and extremely delicious Mozart ball. Wonder how many kilos we will end up with.
Mozart Ball
Just woke up and looked out the window - yah there is a dusting of white stuff. Forecast is for more later in the day - and all day tomorrow.
Sadly some parts of Austria have had way to much snow - like 1.5 m - 2 m. It meant that the army has been mobilized and having to clear the snow of the roofs as the weight is now getting dangerous. Also the avalanche risk has increased tenfold. and some villages are still cut of from the outside world and electricity supply is interrupted in some parts. So you see - it is possible to have to much of a good thing!
Well quick shower and then we are off to buy the famous and extremely delicious Mozart ball. Wonder how many kilos we will end up with.
Mozart Ball
The German Connection

Aki picked up the children and we all met for another traditional German meal - 2 different local Sausages and Sauerkraut with Senf (mustard) - with slice of bread baked by a baker who uses a wood fired oven! all tasted nice and the kids showed us some of their treasures and school / kindy work!
Sadly at 2 pm we had to say our goodbye's and drive back to Salzburg! Road was clear and not much traffic so made good time and arrived back here at 5 pm.
It should be pointed out to the regular German Scoutlink chatters that there is no photoshop involved - otherwise I would be 20 years younger looking!!!!
Anyone care to guess how many kilometers we did on our round trip??? We could give the winning guess a special Salzburger Mozart kugel. Leave your guess with a comment.
We certainly did a lot of traveling. Oddly enough I'm not sure that the on board Computer is correct, it gives strange readings. We traveled heaps on the autobahn - in fact about 90 % of our European tour was on the autobahn and we certainly did not crawl there - yet the avg speed on the car computer is still 85 km - not the true avg!
Drive through fog
Usual morning routine - packed and left for the Rhein valley. Mamabear hearing noises on street in front of our Window - and looked out to find a group of school children all rugged up and walking to school in complete darkness at 7.45 am. Had to ask the local hotelier for instructions on how to get to the Valley. Weather was still foggy so knew we would not see much - still by the time we hit the valley it had lifted somewhat and we could get a feel for what it must be like. Mamabear going crazy with camera and taking lots of pics. Also had to point out the story of Lorely and also that it inspired the Niebelungen setting - Tristan and Isolde etc.
Got to the end of the valley and decided to stop in last town for a quick bite and maybe some tourist shopping. No Christkindl market and only one genuine Tourist shop - in a former Bakery.We did however stock up on drinks - including 2 bottles of the local Mosel wein region wein's! Yumm. From there we hit the Autobahn again. Heard on news lots of stau's - but luckily for us not on any of our routes. It used to be a simple system - but now there are so many cross routes we had to be on our toes as to which direction we wanted to go.
Needed to get some petrol after we nearly run out = 1000km on one tank is not bad going!
Such is European traffic - we managed a stretch on the autobahn covering 100km in 25 min and then had to go via open country road and covered 50 km in 55 minutes. Anyhow after another 400 km plus journey - we found Treuchtlingen in Bavaria (and in the snow -which they had for the last whole week) and went in search of a place to bunk down. Eventually found a Gasthof tucked away way back of the beaten track - again the first one we looked at - turns out there are heaps more further into the town. Anyhow the place is lovely - and yes they had a room. Unloaded and went for a quick stroll through town to stretch legs and came back for dinner - just lovely. Asked for a phone directory as we could not Txt Aki - no luck so the lady offered us her phone - and we successfully made contact with Markus and Aki. Arranged to meet next day after breakfast. (Not sure why we cant ring a land-line) Gave Pam more kittens taking the car on a wee spin in the snow and getting nearly stuck!! I have been told of for trying to much!!
Decided to head back to room and use some time to catch up on blog, (well - pre-write , no internet here) and Diary.
Got a knock on the door. Most unusual.
Lady informs us we have a V I S I T O R ! ! Us - in the middle of the nowhere - a visitor???? This could be interesting. It was Aki who came to say hello and offered a taxi service to her place so we could meet and have a drink. Which we did - spent a lovely time meeting some more Scoutlink folks. Back home by 10pm-ish and straight to bed. Blog and diary will have to wait now - maybe even till we hit Salzburg again! Arranged with Aki that we will meet again the next day - after our breakfast at the local Gasthof. Turns out that while we were searching for her number in directory Aki meets monthly at the place we are staying and knows the land lady very well. Small world. Was most funny - the German chatters on Scoutlink wanted proof (via photo) that they did not cheat and made up our presence, and when Markus did upload image there was a hint of suggestion of photo-shop being used. If only - then I would have asked to look 20 years younger!!!! Met Earny online too, he still yet to receive his pressie from Dees. Hehehe - despite some big clues - he still has no idea what the big furry thing is. Ah well he'll find out soon!
Bee good - pics to follow maybe tonight from Salzburg.
Got to the end of the valley and decided to stop in last town for a quick bite and maybe some tourist shopping. No Christkindl market and only one genuine Tourist shop - in a former Bakery.We did however stock up on drinks - including 2 bottles of the local Mosel wein region wein's! Yumm. From there we hit the Autobahn again. Heard on news lots of stau's - but luckily for us not on any of our routes. It used to be a simple system - but now there are so many cross routes we had to be on our toes as to which direction we wanted to go.
Needed to get some petrol after we nearly run out = 1000km on one tank is not bad going!
Such is European traffic - we managed a stretch on the autobahn covering 100km in 25 min and then had to go via open country road and covered 50 km in 55 minutes. Anyhow after another 400 km plus journey - we found Treuchtlingen in Bavaria (and in the snow -which they had for the last whole week) and went in search of a place to bunk down. Eventually found a Gasthof tucked away way back of the beaten track - again the first one we looked at - turns out there are heaps more further into the town. Anyhow the place is lovely - and yes they had a room. Unloaded and went for a quick stroll through town to stretch legs and came back for dinner - just lovely. Asked for a phone directory as we could not Txt Aki - no luck so the lady offered us her phone - and we successfully made contact with Markus and Aki. Arranged to meet next day after breakfast. (Not sure why we cant ring a land-line) Gave Pam more kittens taking the car on a wee spin in the snow and getting nearly stuck!! I have been told of for trying to much!!
Decided to head back to room and use some time to catch up on blog, (well - pre-write , no internet here) and Diary.
Got a knock on the door. Most unusual.
Lady informs us we have a V I S I T O R ! ! Us - in the middle of the nowhere - a visitor???? This could be interesting. It was Aki who came to say hello and offered a taxi service to her place so we could meet and have a drink. Which we did - spent a lovely time meeting some more Scoutlink folks. Back home by 10pm-ish and straight to bed. Blog and diary will have to wait now - maybe even till we hit Salzburg again! Arranged with Aki that we will meet again the next day - after our breakfast at the local Gasthof. Turns out that while we were searching for her number in directory Aki meets monthly at the place we are staying and knows the land lady very well. Small world. Was most funny - the German chatters on Scoutlink wanted proof (via photo) that they did not cheat and made up our presence, and when Markus did upload image there was a hint of suggestion of photo-shop being used. If only - then I would have asked to look 20 years younger!!!! Met Earny online too, he still yet to receive his pressie from Dees. Hehehe - despite some big clues - he still has no idea what the big furry thing is. Ah well he'll find out soon!
Bee good - pics to follow maybe tonight from Salzburg.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Rotterdam and beyond
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Had a bit of a sleep in then up and usual breakfast etc . Then headed of to the bus/train. 1 hr journey through Dutch country side and saw lots of water - canals, small and big.
We took the train as the locals advised against the use of the car - to much hassle in getting form a - b and then there is always car parking and why use it if the public transport system is so great - clean and punctual.
Both Amsterdam and Rotterdam are 4 meters below sea level and so far touch wood the dykes have not ever been breached - if they did many will have to learn to swim in a hurry.
Anyhow eventually got into the Train station and txt our friend Dees = still 20 min away so we grabbed lunch at the nearest foody place - Burger King.
From there we had a good walk about - first up the Euro Tower - caught lift to the top and had a 360 degree walk - saw Rotterdam from the air. Then on top of the tower is a revolving enclosed platform that gave a good audio and highlighted special landmarks. Wohoo
During walk through the more boring inner city shopping center Dees treated us to a typical Dutch waffle - a Stroopwafel, which is essentially two thin waffles "glued together" with honey - very rich and filling.
Dees then took us through part of the town and showed us various sights - the most crazy one a new-ish housing development where people live in cubes (as in rubic) that are not flat on ground but rather high up in air A N D standing on their points!! What a way to live.
It was then arranged to meet Sunny and Anya - Sunny being a Dutch guy and Anya ex Mexico - and both are regular Scout link chatters.
Anya has her parents from Mexico over here for Christmas too - and they tagged along as well. We met in a cafe - needing to warm up again as it was cold outside - and had 7 people on the table communicating with 4 languages a n d hand and feet!! Most hilarious conversation - yet everyone seemed to understood everyone and we all shared in the convo!!
From there we went to the home of Dees - via more train - and 10 min walk - and had a typical Dutch evening meal served.
Meal - for the kiwis - was essentially bangers and mash with gravy - but not as you would know it. You cant get these bangers in New Zealand and the mash was just divine. This was followed by cold creamy custard - yummmm
Spade / Broom / Brush - you better put me on a diet when I arrive at Staveley.
Anyhow - Dees lives by herself in 50 square meter apartment - one bedroom only and she shared how difficult it is getting decent living space in Holland.
Due to the fact the space is now such a premium - u will need to put your name down and then wait 5 - 6 years before you get a place - and if you are single you are on the bottom of the list.
Dees had sent an email round asking any Scoutlink Dutch folks to come round for a chat - but the only other regular chatter the I knew - did come - Voske. He was full of life and it was nice meeting him in person too. Funny hes Dutch as you get but speaks his english with a good north english / scottish accent - something he has picked up from working with his boss.
Given the train back home it was all to soon to say goodbye (after we left our presents) and did the return journey.
We arrived back at Zwanenburg by around 11.30 pm - this after the bus journey that should have taken 20 min took 10 min - which was not to surprising given the the driver went through the first two red lights and I am sure broke the local speed limit on the schnell-strasse.
Den still lovely and warm - went straight to bed - didn't even check email!!
Monday 15th Dec 08 -
Seeing we had to wait for Radar to show after her appointment - we decided to sleep in and duly where granted our wish - the wind changed and all planes came in from a diff approach so did not get woken up by 747's roaring overhead. Yah.
Had breakfast and started to pack - slowly - and were almost ready when both Radar and kes showed up. Had a quick chat and then said our farewell's. Bummer - I did enjoy staying there.
We had mapped out a 3 day journey - dictated by Mamabear's wish to drive through the Rheine-valley. We had no trouble finding our way out of Amsterdam - apart from one wee wrong turn - and headed south - only to be met by fog - all 500 km of it. At least the autobahn's were not to0 busy and traffic flowed steadily - despite the massive building / renovation / extension program both in Holland and later in Germany.
Did hear in the news of one bad accident somewhere close to us - both directional lanes closed and a massive stau - up to 4 hours waiting time - and what traffic was diverted caused more staus in other areas. Glad we were not part of that.
Got as far as Koblenz and decided to have a early stop and rest up - then head off the following day through the scenic route - if the fog clears!!
Left the Autobahn in search of a place - short of Koblenz - not much available in the villages so ended up in Koblenz direct and first up hotel had a room free. I suspect the owners are french folk - as it is their first choice tongue between them.
Ended up having a very nice meal at the hotel - plain and simple but ohhhh the flavour!!!!! Mamabear says I will have a culture shock when I arrive at Staveley - food wise!!!
Interestingly enough the local hotelier is multi lingual - German, French and English which made for more interesting table talk!
We took the train as the locals advised against the use of the car - to much hassle in getting form a - b and then there is always car parking and why use it if the public transport system is so great - clean and punctual.
Both Amsterdam and Rotterdam are 4 meters below sea level and so far touch wood the dykes have not ever been breached - if they did many will have to learn to swim in a hurry.
Anyhow eventually got into the Train station and txt our friend Dees = still 20 min away so we grabbed lunch at the nearest foody place - Burger King.
From there we had a good walk about - first up the Euro Tower - caught lift to the top and had a 360 degree walk - saw Rotterdam from the air. Then on top of the tower is a revolving enclosed platform that gave a good audio and highlighted special landmarks. Wohoo
During walk through the more boring inner city shopping center Dees treated us to a typical Dutch waffle - a Stroopwafel, which is essentially two thin waffles "glued together" with honey - very rich and filling.
It was then arranged to meet Sunny and Anya - Sunny being a Dutch guy and Anya ex Mexico - and both are regular Scout link chatters.
Anya has her parents from Mexico over here for Christmas too - and they tagged along as well. We met in a cafe - needing to warm up again as it was cold outside - and had 7 people on the table communicating with 4 languages a n d hand and feet!! Most hilarious conversation - yet everyone seemed to understood everyone and we all shared in the convo!!
From there we went to the home of Dees - via more train - and 10 min walk - and had a typical Dutch evening meal served.
Spade / Broom / Brush - you better put me on a diet when I arrive at Staveley.
Anyhow - Dees lives by herself in 50 square meter apartment - one bedroom only and she shared how difficult it is getting decent living space in Holland.
Due to the fact the space is now such a premium - u will need to put your name down and then wait 5 - 6 years before you get a place - and if you are single you are on the bottom of the list.
Dees had sent an email round asking any Scoutlink Dutch folks to come round for a chat - but the only other regular chatter the I knew - did come - Voske. He was full of life and it was nice meeting him in person too. Funny hes Dutch as you get but speaks his english with a good north english / scottish accent - something he has picked up from working with his boss.
Given the train back home it was all to soon to say goodbye (after we left our presents) and did the return journey.
We arrived back at Zwanenburg by around 11.30 pm - this after the bus journey that should have taken 20 min took 10 min - which was not to surprising given the the driver went through the first two red lights and I am sure broke the local speed limit on the schnell-strasse.
Den still lovely and warm - went straight to bed - didn't even check email!!
Monday 15th Dec 08 -
Seeing we had to wait for Radar to show after her appointment - we decided to sleep in and duly where granted our wish - the wind changed and all planes came in from a diff approach so did not get woken up by 747's roaring overhead. Yah.
Had breakfast and started to pack - slowly - and were almost ready when both Radar and kes showed up. Had a quick chat and then said our farewell's. Bummer - I did enjoy staying there.
We had mapped out a 3 day journey - dictated by Mamabear's wish to drive through the Rheine-valley. We had no trouble finding our way out of Amsterdam - apart from one wee wrong turn - and headed south - only to be met by fog - all 500 km of it. At least the autobahn's were not to0 busy and traffic flowed steadily - despite the massive building / renovation / extension program both in Holland and later in Germany.
Did hear in the news of one bad accident somewhere close to us - both directional lanes closed and a massive stau - up to 4 hours waiting time - and what traffic was diverted caused more staus in other areas. Glad we were not part of that.
Got as far as Koblenz and decided to have a early stop and rest up - then head off the following day through the scenic route - if the fog clears!!
Left the Autobahn in search of a place - short of Koblenz - not much available in the villages so ended up in Koblenz direct and first up hotel had a room free. I suspect the owners are french folk - as it is their first choice tongue between them.
Ended up having a very nice meal at the hotel - plain and simple but ohhhh the flavour!!!!! Mamabear says I will have a culture shock when I arrive at Staveley - food wise!!!
Interestingly enough the local hotelier is multi lingual - German, French and English which made for more interesting table talk!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
xtra pic's
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Today a sleep in as we don't have to catch the bus till after 10 am - so here are a few xtra pics from yesterday. enjoy
The wax hand making! Pity It was only the hand! I also wonder how we gonna get this delicate piece back home in one piece?? Thoughts??
The Amsterdam Taxi's - and yes they do get used frequently!!
The newly renovated house of Anne Franks hiding place. What were they thinking?
Our sleeping quarters - cosy and comfy! Living space in Amsterdam is such a premium - that some people live permanently and legally in House boats - complete with all mod-cons.
Then many houses have a hook at the top of the roof - pointing outwards. The staircases are so narrow and steep that if you have to shift (furniture) they do it via the windows - 4th floor up!!
One of the wax museum ladies - if you can tell me who it is I be grateful - there was no label. Mamabear said I only took the pic cause of the cleavage!! - I'm not commenting on that as I couldn't poss say anything within reason of my defense.
According to the master this should be the perfect Man - or woman. As you can see the pocket rocket is far from Mrs Avg. - but you better believe that she packs a fair punch - when she wants to.
Then many houses have a hook at the top of the roof - pointing outwards. The staircases are so narrow and steep that if you have to shift (furniture) they do it via the windows - 4th floor up!!
Anne Frank
Them planes - oh them planes - Quasimodo missqoute
lol - yep all of our scouts who were ever camping out at Omaka would know what it is like - and here it is no different. We sleep right under the approach flight path to the local airport and from 10 pm to 7 am there is no air-traffic allowed but then - oh then - hehe - yep from 7 am onwards EVERY 2 min a plane comes in to land.
Yesterday as we waited for our bus, I happen to look skyward - sun still low and the contrails were clearly visible (yep we had frosty clear blue sky) and I saw several planes flying - then saw some more so ended up counting them out and inside 30 seconds saw 18 planes going from here to anywhere - literally criss-crossig the sky. And then they wonder about pollution of our planet from cows . . . .
On the positive side - there are plenty of wind farms here - and one windmill making firm was reported in the local news as taking on another 100 workers to meet demands. Certainly at one stage on autobahn driving in from Hanover we saw several farms - and one had to many windmills to count.
We also saw a Nuclear power generator!! And then I get hassled from a very geriatric local patriotic German citizen for "polluting his personal space" while I had the car idling in the car park. I didn't have the heart to ask him why they still use nuclear power and priorities. . .
Yesterday as we waited for our bus, I happen to look skyward - sun still low and the contrails were clearly visible (yep we had frosty clear blue sky) and I saw several planes flying - then saw some more so ended up counting them out and inside 30 seconds saw 18 planes going from here to anywhere - literally criss-crossig the sky. And then they wonder about pollution of our planet from cows . . . .
On the positive side - there are plenty of wind farms here - and one windmill making firm was reported in the local news as taking on another 100 workers to meet demands. Certainly at one stage on autobahn driving in from Hanover we saw several farms - and one had to many windmills to count.
We also saw a Nuclear power generator!! And then I get hassled from a very geriatric local patriotic German citizen for "polluting his personal space" while I had the car idling in the car park. I didn't have the heart to ask him why they still use nuclear power and priorities. . .
In fact one hour worth. nm
It should also be noted that the bendy trams in both Prague and Amsterdam have 5 or more bendy bits in their carriages - because some streets are so narrow - they need to be extra bendy.
It should be noted that the adult industry - once so prominent - is now being discouraged, as with it came to many other problems - crime and drugs some of them. Eg. you will not find a direct location reference in the city guide for the Red Light district.
From there we tried to walk towards Anne Franks house and got lost again - however did eventually find her former hiding place - and a long Que outside waiting to get in. Mamabear enjoyed the experience even though it was sobering thoughts. After this it was time for lunch and we found a place that sold pancakes - again very filling. After lunch decided to check out the wax museum - had lots to look at. Mamabear got her own hand made into wax after we finished walking round- not sure how that will travel. We both had to laugh hard as on staircase there was a cut section of JLO's bum sticking out - and just that - naturally as no one was watching I had to go and caress that - only ever time u get to do that. Hehe when mamabear did same thing a sound track of a very loud and noisy fart was being played - making her jump!! Seeing as it was a rather polished bum - wonder how many other people got a surprise!!
After this it was time to cruize the shops in search for something small and usefull and light to take home. There were lots of teddybears - but we resisted that. Eventually got mamabear some slippers and myself a badge for my camp blanket. They had some very good looking salt and pepper shakers - not the sort you would put out if you have guest's but as they were heavy in weight we resisted! Much to Pam's relief!!
Wohooo we can have a sleep in - as we catch the train to Rotterdam and dont need to be there till lunch!
Poor Radar - she got the flu and is under the weather. Shame as I was looking forward seeing more of her and kes. Still the Den is lovley and comfy - warm and even has a shower. It was a former kindy and after it partially burned down the local scouts bought the place and revamped it. It has Central heating - something i'm so gonna miss back home!!!
Anne Frank
Saturday, December 13, 2008
To much of a good thing??
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I must be in the wrong place!!! Seems it always snows where we are NOT.
Anyhow parts of Austria had too much snow, which is not good either.
Here are the links to the stories.
http://snow in carinthia
snow in carinthia
Well better have a shower and get warmly dressed so we can see the sights of Amsterdam.
Have fun
Anyhow parts of Austria had too much snow, which is not good either.
Here are the links to the stories.
http://snow in carinthia
snow in carinthia
Well better have a shower and get warmly dressed so we can see the sights of Amsterdam.
Have fun
Bunking down
Having been met by Radar and kes we were shown our "room" and then went for a quick stroll through town. Saw where the bus leaves and the shops. Came back to Scout hall and had a lovely dinner with our Holland contacts. Then 7 Cubs arrived for their session - so naturally we stayed and observed. Even got to throw the ball round. Kids are the same anywhere in the world. Even without the lingo - u could see the competitiveness and emotions. Good stuff.
Gave the kids our special 40th Birthday badge - much appreciated. Then a late supper and a chat with Radar. Bedtime now and up early to catch the bus into town to see the sights in Amsterdam.
Be good.
Gave the kids our special 40th Birthday badge - much appreciated. Then a late supper and a chat with Radar. Bedtime now and up early to catch the bus into town to see the sights in Amsterdam.
Be good.
Arrived in Holland
Wouldn't you know it - we survived another 400 + km journey. Day broke with some sunshine and yes there was some 2 mm of snow on car and frost. Packed after breakfast and left for Amsterdam. Had fun deciphering the words - not many clues as to which direction we where heading. Found a map in a Autobahn stop and kinda got our bearings - knew if we got to Harlem we would hit the sea and gone to far. Found eventually the Scout hall in Zwanenburg and met Radar and Kelly - also known as kes! (yes its a small k!!) Amazing when you think we left NZ with no maps!! Good Scouting skills to the fore.
We where shown where to bunk down and then went for a quick walk round town, having sat in the car for the last two days. Small place but it has got everything you could want.
Kelly showed us how to set up the wireless network so we can blog and check emails!! Way cool.
More later
We where shown where to bunk down and then went for a quick walk round town, having sat in the car for the last two days. Small place but it has got everything you could want.
Kelly showed us how to set up the wireless network so we can blog and check emails!! Way cool.
More later
Friday, December 12, 2008
Checking of gear and personal
Friday, December 12, 2008
LOL - Mamabear tells me that I have to go and check the passenger brakes on our car, as they got a decent work out yesterday. I think a valium might be a better idea for her.
Anyhow - just off to get breakfast and then pack up and leave for Amsterdam - another 300 km plus via autobahn. Hopefully no more staus - nothing more frustrating then being stuck in traffic like that!!
It snowed all night long and there is a fine dusting on the ground. Snow was very fine powder so not much coverage. Did you know that the Eskimos have more then 200 words to describe the snow - depending on how thick and heavy it is ? ? ?
Anyhow - just off to get breakfast and then pack up and leave for Amsterdam - another 300 km plus via autobahn. Hopefully no more staus - nothing more frustrating then being stuck in traffic like that!!
It snowed all night long and there is a fine dusting on the ground. Snow was very fine powder so not much coverage. Did you know that the Eskimos have more then 200 words to describe the snow - depending on how thick and heavy it is ? ? ?
Need for speed - grand auto theft???
Suddenly in middle of nowhere - amongst the snow and cold there was a stau (some road blockage) and we crawled along every 15 min or so. Took over one hour to cover about 2 km!! Roadworks - only thing that sweetened the waiting was the snowy scenery and the actual snowing.
Hit the Autobahn again eventually and followed signposts. Covered total of 500 plus km. Had lunch in one of those rest-sposts - lovely meal in snow. Hit the road again and encountered 2 more stau's - one was a crash - a little car tailgated a truck. Police and Fire crew where quickly on the scene - another 30 odd min of crawling at 5 km/h. Eventually Papabear had enough of driving and we left the autobahn in search of a room - only to find a nice hotel just of the main road.
It should be recorded that Mamabear is now calm again after having kittens in the car. She not used to being driven at 170km/h and cars still overtaking us!!!
Freezing Prague
These kids where so well behaved and had a ball watching the bloke multi -task and get completely lost in smoke. Wonder if we would be able to to this in CHCH - probably not - to much smoke!!!!
Funny that woman are allowed to wear theirs but men have to disrobe! Old sexist attitudes die hard. I would have thought that in a church where everyone is equal and equally reverent same rules should apply. It would seem not so.
Anyhow walked 1000 odd stairs back down and by that stage were so cold we jst had to have a hot gluehwein. Decided to head back over bridge (again) and bought a pressie for Jade in Aussie. (Belated xmas 4 u)
By that stage we were hungry and very cold and we looked for a meal. Found a Italian pizzeria that looked promising, food was really great but rather expensive. Around NZ $160 for one entree/ 2 pizzas and 2 drinks.
Of note should be that while the old part of town is charming, the tourist shops are overloaded - about 4 types selling the same stuff and there are dozens of them - overkill really. Mamabear did the maths and we realised we had to take out some money from bank to pay for the car park - another $100 NZ for the weekend. After this we headed back home early evening-ish - having walked the better part of 20km plus. On way back came across the christkindl market - which was still going strong. Lights started to come in their own and the food stands did a roaring trade with the locals. Arrived back home tired and cold and decided to take a easy evening off reading. Will have to pack up tomorrow and look for a way out of town (no map and cant use Google) - Dresden and beyound and stay a night somewhere in Germany before we find Radar and Dees.
Be good.
Christkindl market
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
here we come. Left Vienna early morning and had fun leaving town - took ages.
The we crossed the border - a non event - no guards, no anything. Only reason we knew we were in Czech republic because of roadsigns. First up in no-mans land was a mini las vegas, complete with casinos and theme parks, first two towns in the new land had heaps of signs advertising brothels and other adult stuff. Yes the adult industry is openly advertised.
Eventually the autobahn run out of road and we had to travel on "normal" roads - slowing us down through every village. Stopped for lunch in the middle of nowhere and had a lovley meal. Menu was written in Czech / German and English lingo - so no trouble ordering.
Back on the road and eventually found the autobahn towards Prague - road condition so bad made me wish I was back on the country roads.
Found the town - big and . . . and in some ways like Vienna. Had booked a apartment via Google from Vienna and had fun finding the guy and place. He very friendly and helpful. Was most unusual way of getting a pad (a lot of work was done via txt and no office or so to go to) = but it seems to work and is close to center of town. Were advised to park car in a "guarded" parking lot - at a cost of course but at least someone is patrolling the car park.
Had a bath in luke warm water and read for a bit before going to sleep. Alarm woke us up at 7.30am so must have had a good sleep.
BTW - not a place I could live in -- the toilet and bath are at the complete opposite end of the apartment. Still is is very spacious!!
Anyhow must get dressed and venture out. Weather cloudy so could be warmer -around 5 degrees. Will blog more tonight.
Be good.
hehehe - blog takes its time of the clock of the pc you log on from. This lappy is still set for nz time, eg it shows 8.54 pm, while it is morning here, but when we used Wilfried's pc it was local Vienna time.
The we crossed the border - a non event - no guards, no anything. Only reason we knew we were in Czech republic because of roadsigns. First up in no-mans land was a mini las vegas, complete with casinos and theme parks, first two towns in the new land had heaps of signs advertising brothels and other adult stuff. Yes the adult industry is openly advertised.
Eventually the autobahn run out of road and we had to travel on "normal" roads - slowing us down through every village. Stopped for lunch in the middle of nowhere and had a lovley meal. Menu was written in Czech / German and English lingo - so no trouble ordering.
Back on the road and eventually found the autobahn towards Prague - road condition so bad made me wish I was back on the country roads.
Found the town - big and . . . and in some ways like Vienna. Had booked a apartment via Google from Vienna and had fun finding the guy and place. He very friendly and helpful. Was most unusual way of getting a pad (a lot of work was done via txt and no office or so to go to) = but it seems to work and is close to center of town. Were advised to park car in a "guarded" parking lot - at a cost of course but at least someone is patrolling the car park.
Had a bath in luke warm water and read for a bit before going to sleep. Alarm woke us up at 7.30am so must have had a good sleep.
BTW - not a place I could live in -- the toilet and bath are at the complete opposite end of the apartment. Still is is very spacious!!
Anyhow must get dressed and venture out. Weather cloudy so could be warmer -around 5 degrees. Will blog more tonight.
Be good.
hehehe - blog takes its time of the clock of the pc you log on from. This lappy is still set for nz time, eg it shows 8.54 pm, while it is morning here, but when we used Wilfried's pc it was local Vienna time.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Second time lucky
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
okies - after we arrived home yesterday night - Mamabear had this real urgent craving for McDonalds. So Wilfried stayed at home and the two of us braved the Vienna streets. Saw some more decorations - a whole length street with blue balloons. Brilliant. Found the Golden Arches and settled in for a meal. Not much diff food on offer compared to NZ. Had to bring my burger back as the meat was not cooked properly.
Then we took the strassenbahn back home and settled in for the night. Wilfried watched the movie 'Pearl Harbour' - us oldies decided by 11 pm to go to bed - we knew how the movie finished.
This morning we went back to Schloss Schoenbrun and the Christkindl market was pleasantly half empty. One could actually walk around and see the goods on offer. However the weather was terrible and sleety. Naturally we had to warm ourselves up with yet more gluehwein, then rung Doris to see if she was home to see our pics. She was and after we bought some gifts for folks back home, we made tracks to her place again. Unexpectantly she had cooked a meal for us (lunch) so we fore-went a meal in a typical Vienna restaurant (that we had planned to visit) and set down with my cousin and her children. After that we showed some of our NZ pics and I think we have convinced one of her daughters to come and visit us.
Sadly after a good and warm meeting it was time to come home - and take a breather before we go out and see the play "Charlie's Aunt" - I will let you know later how it went.
2morrow we head into the unknown of Prague. The town has 350 Hotels listed via Google - so I'm pretty sure we wont miss out on a decent bed.
Then we took the strassenbahn back home and settled in for the night. Wilfried watched the movie 'Pearl Harbour' - us oldies decided by 11 pm to go to bed - we knew how the movie finished.

Sadly after a good and warm meeting it was time to come home - and take a breather before we go out and see the play "Charlie's Aunt" - I will let you know later how it went.
2morrow we head into the unknown of Prague. The town has 350 Hotels listed via Google - so I'm pretty sure we wont miss out on a decent bed.
Christkindl market
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Schloss Schoenbrunn
Reason for the walk was to earn yet another drink of Gluehwein! Hicks. Of course we visited here last time we were here with our boys. Wilfried is a very able tour guide (complete with Umbrella)
Not bad for a summer ranch??!!
schloss schoenbrunn
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