Wednesday, February 5, 2025

As a white dude - I am a minority - kind of

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

oldbearnews editor
This might be a touchy subject for some.

May even offend, feel free to counter the argument . . . 

Diverse group of people 

Much is being made in USA and parts of Europe of white people and ethnic minorities . . . impacting job hunts, preferential treatments etc.

Which goes begging the question  - what is a "WHITE" person actually exactly ??? Given that the USA is counting Hispanics (or whatever the current labeling says) as different from "white"  - would that mean any person residing / being native to or from Spain / Portugal - even Italy is now counted as non-white???? Turns out that even Jesus was - nicely tanned - yes?!

Interestingly - this website ----->

talks about the difference between Race and Ethnicity!!! If you scroll though you will see that there are native "Austrian" or "Germans" etc - BUT only the USA and the UK and oddly enough Uruguay/ South Africa/Cuba/Brazil count "white" in their population data sets.   Yet most of Europe is generally being described as White!    A few South American countries count Amerindian+white as Mestizo . . . 

Russia of course has a very mixed population with most of the Siberian / Asian population (in their territories)  being from well -- ex-Asian descent!

The World's 7.5 Billion People, in One Chart

If we are talking about REGIONS  - then

RankRegionShare of Global Population (%)Population
#1Asia60%4.5 billion
#2Africa16%1.2 billion
#3Europe10%729 million
#4North America7%534 million
#5South America6%424 million
#6Central America1%47 million
#7Oceania1%42 million     

Australia + New Zealand are listed as ZERO . 39 percent and given that we only have about 5 million people vs Australia with some 26 million . . . NZ would be even less on its own!!  Spare a thought for the Cook Islands with some 11000 folks . . .

Anyhow - if you brake it down and broadly accept Asia as mostly non white and same for Africa and most of the (south and middle) Americas - then that leaves just USA/Canada and parts of Europe and that is some 14% - less if you discount the resident 'colored' Hispanics or other colored immigrant communities etc . . . There is certainly a melting pot argument to be made for both UK and USA

75% of the world population live either in Asia or Africa!!! Just stop and think about that one for a minute!! 

North America AND Europe combined (forget for a moment their racial makeup) EQUAL the population of Africa - give or take a few thousand folks!




Given my fair haired freckled sometime sun burned tanned skin - I am definitely in the minority!!  Hmmm wonder if I can get that job on the DEI program after all????

Where is the local tanning bed ? ? ?  - I need to "blend" in . . . . . 

PS - Non of this is even remotely a NEW thing - watch www.The Secret of my Success where the hero of the story gets denied a job because the one thing he could not be was:  being a ethnic minority and the firm had a hiring quota for those!!  The film reflecting the current reality - was made in . . . . . . . . . 

Drum roll please







Have fun! bear print

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