Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Women wanting to return to Venus?!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
oldbearnews editor

Motherhood is a trap. Marriage is a bad deal’: Feminist Corinne Maier on learning to be selfish

               Screams the headline (from a copied NZHerald article)

The French feminist provocateur’s ‘indecent’ insistence that women should prioritize themselves is jubilantly liberating.


How is that working out for you???? Be honest - You REALLY happy???

What kind of society do you think we would have if everyone is "selfish" ? ? ? 

What kind of living conditions would we have if everyone works on that me, me, me first and first only, philosophy??? 

We don't need men screams the feminist. - OKAY then do not complain when you need someone else to help you out of a difficult or trick situation.  Or do you want just another women to come to your  help????? Because according to your feminist thing - men are not needed - right?!

You don't need/want a male in your live -  but you DO need/want his sperm - so what if all males on planet earth withhold theirs for 100 years - what then???? 

If Men are from Mars - (yes THAT book) and Women are from Venus and they have worked out how to live on Planet Earth in harmony - and some have a nostalgic longing back to being on Venus -   BE MY GUEST!      Do not let me hold you back - here is your ticket on the next star-link rocket out of here. . . .  Let me remind you of the reasons why men and woman left Mars & Venus in the first place and moved to planet earth - they worked out that their lives are infinity better jointly together - complementing each other - then being a singular thing!!

Lastly - being selfish is not something new -  it happens ever-since the first apple bite!! You can boil down all Jewish/Christian scriptures into one thought:  Think of other people first before you think of yourself!   

Here is a bit of wisdom:

A story from the Confucian Tradition:

One night Confucius dreamed that he was taken to visit the damned in hell. He was very surprised to see that hell was a beautiful banqueting room, with the damned sitting around the table, groaning under the weight of the most delicious food he had ever seen. They were allowed to eat anything they liked, but they had to use chopsticks, and the chopsticks were five foot long. The damned were starving, staring in agony at the uneaten food before them, knowing that even with all eternity in which to solve the problem, it could not be done. 

And then Confucius is taken to heaven. And heaven has an identical banqueting hall, full of delicious food. The people around the tables are happy and well fed, but they, too, must obey by the same rule. The food can only be eaten with chopsticks that are five foot long. 

Only in heaven, they're feeding each other.

Think about that for a bit . . . . 

Have fun! bear print

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