Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Crunching some numbers

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

oldbearnews editor

Oh yeah - I wanted to put this into a New Zealand context - so hunted round for some numbers (taken of Wikipedia and US/NZ government sites)

One will have to make a distinction between a LEGAL and Ill-legal immigration.


For the year 2015 there have been around 11 million people wandering into the US by foot across their southern border.  I have no idea what the official US legal immigrant numbers are!! Based on their population size that works out at 3.4% of total Population of US.


NZ has a population (last Census count) of 5.123 Million people.

At 3.4 percent that makes this 174,182 people.

To put this into perspective - that would be the entire population of:

 Dunedin City (126.000)  A N D  Invercargill ( ~ 50.000)  ! ! ! 


NZ has a annual 1500 Refugee Quota

plus there is (legal via Visa's) seasonal migration movement (farm workers etc) which worked out at net +49500 for year ended Jan 2023 (another Invercargill sized city population) 


So imagine if every year after year (lol in NZ's case swimming or boating) the entire population of Dunedin and Invercargill arrive here without any visa's and expect to be housed / fed / medically taken care of / etc etc etc

So I ask you 

WHAT would our country look like if that were to happen??????

What kind of infrastructure issues would NZ face??? A new Housing crisis???

How many more Taxes would need to be collected from you - to be spent on these Issues???


Yeah - interesting thoughts!! Puts the US situation into perspective - right?!

Have fun! bear print

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