Friday, May 26, 2023

7 times 77 -- snowball fights

Friday, May 26, 2023

oldbearnews editor

Let me set the scene:

It is winter - you leaving home walking down the street to catch a bus to go to work.

You do this all 5 working days - when suddenly there is a snow ball whizzing past your ears!!  

WHAT would you do???? 

As good Christian - I turn and smile and wave to whomever has thrown said snow ball.

Next Morning - this repeats so - another turn / wave and smile - right?! 7 x 77 - right??

Next Morning - same story - remembering 7 x 77!!  While this is getting tiresome -- there is nothing more empowering then taking the wind out of the sails of the snowball-tosser.  Letting them know they have no power over you - is indeed the most frustrating thing they can experience!!

At what time do you take a different approach??   Friday???   A Week later?? Three Weeks later???

So after a while I engage in convo - that goes along the lines of - please stop this behavior.  If not, be prepared for a return snow ball with interest - and btw 

A, I have a good aim and 

B, Just because I have chosen so far not to 'retaliate' or fight back (eg toss one in your direction) that does not mean I am a weak person - please do not underestimate this!

So - next Morning - whizz - there goes yet another snow ball!!  Naturally I am good for my word and send one back - bulls eye!! 

Cue the wailing from the other side of the street  - foul play - not fair - you rude person and all sorts of name calling and only I am allowed to - you is not allowed to etc etc.

Well guess what - tough shit - you started this and you were told  - so buttercup suck it up.  Don't want a snowball whizzing past your own ears - don't toss one in the first place!! 

It may not meet the spirit of the gospel (remember 7 x 77 - and the holding the other cheek part), though it feels good to have tossed one back - so Target / Bud-Light!! To bad for you!! 

Have fun! bear print

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