Thursday, February 23, 2023

When round numbers are not quite so round after all

Thursday, February 23, 2023


oldbearnews editor 


Sometimes - just a few moments after you wake up - your mind is not properly connected to the realm of your universe!  So the other day I woke up and did some numbers in my sleepy head -- and got to 40!!!  Yay!!!


40 years since I packed a suitcase and made some tentative steps towards a railway that would take me to an underground train and that would take me towards Frankfurt airport - where a nice shiny new 747 was airlifting me half way around the world - for what was supposed to be a years worth of sabbatical living and contemplation!! A year living and working as a volunteer in a strange country with  limited (2 years of "school") English.  A year to decide what future 'job' I wanted to pursue back in Austria!

Instead - - -  I met and married my wife!!

Well - as they say - the rest is history!! 

So I am groggily trying to do the math again and realized I am a year ahead of schedule!!!   NEXT year - in 2024 - It will have been 40 years since I left 'home'! woohoo

Much of course has changed since then . . . much indeed

Take two weeks of the 40 years and that's how long I have known / dated/ married mamabear!!!   

Happy anniversary Mamabear!!! 

Have fun! bear print

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