Sunday, January 19, 2014

Austrian Bed and Breakfast is receiving visitors

Sunday, January 19, 2014
oldbearnews editor

So the big day dawned bright-ish - and very hot.  As can so often be the case in Canterbury we ended up being fan-baked again and temperatures soared to 32 degrees.  It was dry and hot - and into this the traveler's stepped out.  However the airport was a nice cool 20 degrees - thanks to
the air-conditioning - so it made the waiting for them bearable. The welcoming committee had a good time catching up on the gossip while the attending Press - Photographer selected a suitable spot.  As you can see there was no flag waiving, and the red carpet roll out had to be delayed till later.

The reaction said it all- and I have to say - they looked remarkably fresh.  Doris did have her suitcase opened - something about undeclared soap - but apart from that they managed to get through all the check points unscathed.  I did warn them that there are 4 hoops to go through - the Immigration / customs officials - then the veterinary people and lastly the fashion police!!  As they took so long I sent a txt of to Wilfried asking him if he got stuck at the last hurdle and if so we could help him with that.  :)  However all was well and they came out and by the looks of it were happy to see the welcoming committee.  From there we took them straight home and let them settle in, then went for a stroll down to the local outdoor mall.  Understandably after 30 hours sitting in a plane it was time to stretch the legs.  Going on from past experiences - the first thing to come to grips with was the driving on the left side on the road - which meant looking first RIGHT  then left when crossing the road and the other thing was understanding that the sun here stands in the north - not south as in europe.
Time to get home and have a meal.  Mamabear made schnitzel and  I did  a salad - that was consumed along with some glasses of wine.  Gotta say - love the posture Wilfried.  Then it was time to break out the bubbly and celebrate the fact that they actually are here in New Zealand - so we did just that - but not before we sprung one last surprise on Wilfried.
Those of you who know him will know that he is a sucker for anything sweet - let alone chocolate and every year for the last 20 years
or so we packaged of some cadbury easter eggs  - dark chocolate eggs filled with a sugar-loaded creme filling - very rich and forbidden.  This year we were a bit slack and so managed to store some eggs from our last easter time in our Fridge. 12 eggs - full well knowing that this would not be enough - but we could not find any more anywhere.  Then this January immediately after new years eve - the stores started selling easter things - way out crazy if you ask me - but in this case it worked in our favor.  So we splashed out.
There are now exactly 54 eggs in the fridge and we presented him just with that - and - yes the reaction is, as they say on the  mastercard add, - Priceless!!!  Now will that mean one egg per week to last him for the year or will it mean the need to share - or share not???? Will there be room for this in his suitcase?  How about the Austrian Border control, will they confiscate the 'foreign substance' - thus creating the need to internally store them?? ahhhh all these questions - time to ponder them while we all catching up on some much needed zzzzzzzzzzzz's!!  Tomorrow - off to town for a stroll - busker's festival and sights and beach and garden and at days end - yes - the Royal Garden party at QEiii's place - the newly acquired summer residence . . . .

Have fun

bear print

2 Leave ur comment here :

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your hospitality!It was so great arriving yesterday and so many people were standing there!!:-) and NO!I didn't eat all the eggs at once! ;-)

Oldbearnews said...

:) lol - provisions for the journey through Middle earth!!!!! watch out for the trolls nicking the egss - or was it the hobbits????

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