Monday, May 20, 2013

A stroll in the Gardens - minus a Austrian Meremaid

Monday, May 20, 2013
oldbearnews editor

A wee while ago we took a certain meremaid for a stroll through our Botanical Gardens.  The colours were supposed to be autumnal - but they were urm lacking in color back then.  Still it was a lovely sunny day and we enjoyed ourselves.
Meremaid exploring the Gardens
So after a very energetic mornings activity (and surprising semi sunny weather) I grabbed my gear and drove back into town.  There obviously were better colors!! 

Still - even now the Maple leave section of the Garden proved yet again to be a disappointment!

There are some good yellows at the moment and when the sun is just so and the angle is just so . . . .
I had this under-exposed by two degrees - it gave a richer darker color!! Oddly enough - the other person snapping away was gun - oops camera shy and did not want to share - urm secrets!
The Bonus came further along when I spotted a wedding party - urm - minus the lucky Hubby!!  Then there where about 15-20 cameras - with various bodies behind them! Turned out to be a class from the local CPIT (some educational facility) taking a course in Photography!!  I very cheekily tagged along and managed to get 5 or so shots.
However - I was more or less a spare wheel and not meant to be there -so felt that I could not 'manipulate' the bride into a more urm appealing pose.  I did however manage to get the point across to the budding pic-snappers - that they needed to engage with her more - as she did not look happy most of the time.  One cracking joke later we had smiles all round and THAT did change the images taken considerably! :D 
Now - it has been suggested a new career path - that of Wedding photographer! Hmm - one of my cousins is a Ceremonial bless-them-guy and I do know that the mermaid is looking for a mere-bloke/guy - so I could cut my teeth so to speak on them practicing the art . . . .

Anywhoooo =  back to the grind stone and reality

bear print

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