Saturday, September 7, 2024

The old bear saw some stars

Saturday, September 7, 2024 0

oldbearnews editor


Yeah - it is not what you might have thought - I DID NOT bang my head on anything - recently! Even though I have a scar ala Harry Potter (just not as descriptive) - that was from a VERY long time ago!


In NZ the matariki stars are visible from sometime June on-wards - and so everyone says are clearly visible with the naked eyes! Well - I have, thanks to my previous birthday present - seen them with strong binoculars! Naked eye???? 

Yeah nah


I am to lazy and old to get out of bed and go outside in my dressing gown - in mid-winter no less!! So out the bedroom window I keep looking -  I F - I happen to wake up at the suitable time!!  With all the street lights and sometime moonshine and somewhat clean double glazed windows - not to mention the various cloudy condition it is really a potluck event that may or may not happen.

Today - after a warm-ish Nor-west wind (similar to European foehn-winds) which tends to blow out to sea any and all mucky pollution not to mention making the air less humid and the promised rain-clouds holding off just long enough - I got lucky! So I grabbed my cell phone and tried to do the impossible - taking a picture through the window - yup - you guessed it - reflections from the glass!!


For the first time ever - I have seen the faintest of faint stars !! You can clearly see Orions belt and Jupiter and Taurus - leading to a fuzzy Matariki.

Go me!!

Ok now I am awake - better keep quiet and let mamabear carry on sleeping!!!

PS - for those star nuts - there is this very fantastic website that will give you an up-to-date star map from your location!!

Have fun! bear print

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