For those not living in the online world - just a quick re-cap.
Israel Folau is a Tongan born rugby player (NSW and Rugby Australia [Wallabies]) and this is the second time he posted on social media about sin and hell - again just before Easter.
The following media storm that happened since then is somewhat astounding. Being a Facebook user only, I have not seen his full post - although there are plenty of redacted versions floating around the printed news media and of course social mediums.
Today I made an effort and found it
it goes like this:
You will of course notice the difference in the image and the quoted Biblical text!?!?!? You will also remember that the full biblical text has almost never been added to the written news stories - at best simply as a reference point eg Gal 5 etc . . .
So there are several aspects to this:
- there is a question of what is free speech versus what is hate speech - not an easy topic at the best of time.
- There are questions on contractual obligations with his employer (AU rugby Union) and possible breeches - something that the lawyers currently arguing for the last two days and still with no end in sight!
- What is 'news' and what is 'social commentary' and which is more important??
- Being Easter and all - where are the messages of 'Hope' and what is "Sin" (not something that is discussed or understood easily in our modern times) and let alone what constitutes 'Hell'
I will strongly argue that any "free speech" that has an impact on your employment eg loose your job or business etc - is not "Free Speech" in its truest sense of its meaning - rather it is more of a censorship at its best form. There is also a strong current ideology - thinking, that anyone is free to express their thoughts AS LONG AS those thoughts are not offensive to ME personally!! Of course what is offensive to me would change from day to day, minute by minute and depend on a whole lot of things - like which side of the bed I got up from or whether our Cat walked left to right or vis-a-vis in the morning!! It is also different from person to person!!
The media - to most of their credit - have tried to stay very neutral on this. Sadly sometimes they portrayed this as an attack just on Homosexuals only. It was interesting to read many news articles where they couched it as an attack on homosexuals "and others" by then afterwards quoting the full text from the image - and certainly not the full Biblical reference! A case in point - notice how it is written ---> www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/Folau fights for his job
If he had left out the word homosexual in the graphic - do you think there would be a media storm???
What many have forgotten or ignored is - that yes this was posted by Israel Folau just a few weeks before Easter - on the Christian Calendar. An Easter message of being "saved" from hell through the sacrifice made by this person - "Jesus" who voluntarily died on the cross for everyone. A message which no doubt featured in many Easter Sunday services! A message which does not sit comfortably with many folks.
It should also be noted that many many folks have of course made comments on Israel Folaus post. News Media have reported it as 'news' and then often the reporters added their own 2 Cents of thoughts to this - rather then just reporting the 'fact'. Then there are wannabe social stars masquerading as news folks writing columns (admittedly some are noted as "Opinion" pieces) and then there are just folks who have their day in public - literally any high profile person (from any unknown two-time singer / actor/ author/ politician/ or any other office holder to any (former glorious) sports person) who feel it is their right and duty to give their opinions to everyone who wants to listen to them (and of course believe that their own opinion is the ONLY correct way of thinking;- if you doubt that - try and engage them in dialog and be prepared for some colorful replies).
Intriguingly -- it is ONLY the gay community (or supporters of) that is making a meal of this issue. I have not yet heard a single objection or any other comment from any of the other affected communities mentioned in his Instagram post!!
Feel free if you belong to any of the following to correct me!!
- Alcoholics anonymous
- Any prison Inmate / Advocates
- The Liqueur industry
- The Casinos / Gambling industry
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Gigolos Inc
- MILF's inc and the Cougar Club
- ANY religious group / church / organization (other then Brian Tamaki's Destiny Church)
- Any Actor / Writer / TV producer and their masses of followers from TV shows such as: Married at First Sight / The Bachelor AU or any other Country / Wife-swap USA or any other country etc etc etc
- Any Harry Potter Fan
I am sure there are other groups and feel free to add them to the list.
Silence is and can be a very powerful tool - if used correctly. There is a lesson here - I am sure. (As the saying goes: 'Silence is golden'!)
As an aside - I will happily own up to having 3 or 4 "sins" being committed by myself, at some stage during my life!
It will be interesting to see how this will play out - how we define free speech vs hate speech - what Israels future employment will look like - and if we will have a serious public discussion on the Easter message itself, or if the Christian communities are now relegated to an oddball minority!?
On that note - the BEST ever starting place!!
A picture I took last Sunday - in Geraldine - so yes ask yourself this question -- WHAT IF INDEED IT IS TRUE??????
Have fun!