Monday - Queens birthday weekend - a public holiday!
Time to pack up and go home.

Before we headed back, I tried to take some more pictures of the fore-shore and then stitch them together, later, once back home. (turned out ok - what do you think?!)
The Johanesshof brewery ( modeled on some Austrian / German wine-hof) was sadly closed for the day - so have to miss that (it will keep till next time) and thus we had no local wine to bring back home - oh wait there is the Giesen!!! yusssss :)
Decided we would visit Renwick - the home of the next NZ Scout Jamboree and have a look-see!!! Eventually found the location - after driving through the town and having to turn around - main drag is VERY short. Boy - this Jamboree is going to be a squeeze (and so it should prove later!!!)
Check out the TIMBER propeller on Snoopy's main enemy!!! Nice Work!!
'necessity IS the mother of all inventions!!! "
I was lucky enough
( a - not many folks in the museum - and b - having my camera gear on me) to take a shot of the model behind a extremely large mural, making it seem I flew OVER the battle field and used my camera to get this 3 dimensional shot . . . .
Close-by is the "Wine" museum - a place I am sure the scouts will NOT
visit! It is worth it though - you see the history of NZ's burgeoning
wine making - its beginnings to current day industry! Marlborough
supplies more then 50% (think from memory it is 73%) of ALL wines made
in NZ - and they are still expanding. A certain Timber-firm that
Mamabear is working for is flat out making the posts that hold up the
wines etc!!!
Little did we know what the next 6-8 months would hold in store for us!!!!!
Have fun!