I have always loved numbers. Not that I can retain any of them. Nor am I particularly brilliant when it comes to adding or dividing. I married a certain female bear for that skill - she is way ahead of me when it comes to numbers. She can recall birthdays and equations / special dates and numerical oddities with consummate ease - which is why she is the Accountant in the family and I happily leave her to balance the books. Don't get me wrong - I can and could balance my cheque book if I had to. Nor could I keep up with my boys once

There are certain numbers that just appeal - for example a 86-60-86 sequence would be great and very pleasing to look at!!
I belong to a group called ARHS - Association of Rugby Historians and Statistician and we operate a website and Facebook page. I keep records of other certain things - like our monthly power usage and certain medal winners by state or athlete in certain sports.

Of course part of the fun is to draw nice graphs and such things . . . .
So guess what - last week it dawned on me that today - yes T O D A Y - the 27 Feb 2014 is the exact 30 year anniversary since I touched down in New Zealand - and touchdown it was - no air-bridge in those days - you just walked down the stairs and in-between 2 yellow lines across the tarmac to the terminal!!
30 years!! :)
Time to reflect. For within these 30 years a few things that have happened, that are little anniversaries in itself.
- I have been involved as a scout-leader exactly half of my time since I been in New Zealand - some 15 years and still counting.
- I have had the same employer now for 10 years - one third of my time here
- I have been married for 96% of that time - ok ok - I can never got to 100% on that - still it is pretty good going (and next year we will celebrate 30 years of marriage)
- I have had the privilege of walking alongside my son for 25 years = thats 85% of my time here
- I have been a full time dad raising my boys for 12 years of my time here - = thats urm - adds one - looks at calculator and comes up with 40% of my time here.
- the Millennium celebration - are sitting exactly half way between arriving and now - and who can forget all those fireworks and the y2k bug???
- I had my first jamboree in 2002 - and had 3 more since then
- I gained 33% (some whopping 22kg) of my original weight - yes I was a skinny rag - due to all the cycling I used to do. Since I stopped that and stayed at home my middle has gone more sideways then I care to admit. Actually that is not a statistic I am proud to admit. Lets scrap that from the internal memory bank :)
- I have lived her 30% longer then I have in my entire life in Salzburg.
- on average we have been back to Europe for a visit every 7.5 years
- This year will be my 10th mid winter camping trip with some scouts - to our lovely west-coast
- As a Family (counting the wife as a secretary and the boys starting keas) we are involved with scouting in various roles for the last 20 years
- We have had 14 times where someone crossed the Equator (either we made a trip or received visitor's from Europe). It works out on average every 2.05 years . Wohoooo who is next????
- We have had (hmm ok still have ONE) three cats - on average one every ten years.
Wohooooo - I rings Mamabear and ask her to be home early and we get a bottle of bubbles out - hmmm make that two and CELEBRATE
have fun