Day one = it rained = no it poured truckloads = CORRECTION - we nearly saw Noah with his boat of animals!! MEANWHILE – we are packing for a hike – we must be turning into tadpoles!!
Saturday Breakfast of fine toast and cereals, need to learn how to stand toasting racks on the burners.
Hike turned out pretty wet, river rose quite a bit between leaving and returning.
Lunch was hot soup and lots of fruit and other goodies. Pretty good soup!!
The tadpoles returned to base and changed = only to find them selves inside a Chinese laundry!!
Downtime – some games being played and woggles are made!!
Nicholas currently the unbeaten champion at table tennis…. Until he played Anita – he still won though!!
Nicholas the unbeaten table tennis champion thrashed Papabear 3-0 in a three match series, including an 11-0 annihilation in the second match.
Dinner smells nice!!
16-15!! Nick the undefeated champion holds off Chris in a amazing, brilliant victory.
Finally lost a set, still won 3-1 in the series.
Miniature pioneering
STILL raining
Scouts sent packing to bed and subjected to lullaby to sent them to sleep – Brush doing his best gold medal winning snoring effort!!
Old folks need to check on the liquid emptying control mechanism at night – and while walking past leaders beds – a Mexican wave of snoring follows the footsteps – to and from the boys room – weird how they can snore in such unison . .
Sunday Breakfast – toast is darkish and getting darker by the minute!! Sadly no breakfast in bed for the minions (let alone a venturer).
Scouts looking washed up and worse for rain!
The venturer, was, for once, up before 7am.
Future group leader moaning at breakfast table . . . .
And someone’s finally turned the lights on!
Dear diary – the female FGL is consistently proofing her skill in full-fill her future potential!!
^Motion seconded by venturer chairperson!!
Esteemed Assistant Zone Scout Leader showing off his miniature pioneering to scouts.
We have a Italian chef – who is famous for his traditional Italian food making skills – tonight’s menu – Spag – Bog along with a self saucing Chocolate Pudding!!
Anita having to kneel on a chair to get high enough to stir the mince.
Scouts planning and cleaning skills suspect, almost makes mine look…hmm..good?!
The ITALIAN Chef not getting much cooking done as he keeps holding on to his knife dreaming away of fancy feasts and other such dreams! – he eventually was happy as there was a hint of a promise of some fresh crushed Italian grapes . . . . ^^
The food for tonight can’t be as good as last nights dinner! (sweet and sour chicken on rice with vege’s)
Will create miniature mining well for my oil production facility and GET RICH!!! $$$$$$
The food is finally ready for Sunday dinner, whilst Sean looks over my shoulder I can dream the burning senses of the ITALIAN CHEF!!!! But I bet it wont be as good as the sweet sour pork’. KNIFE!!!! YAY I CAN STAB MY EVIL NEMISIS IN THE CHEST!!!WEEEEE! SPLATTER!!!
“HMMMM!! I see three pots of food on the serving table can it be delicious or can it be a disaster!!! lets find out after the break!!!”
Chocolate self saucing pudding looking good in oven!!! Nice work Anita! – hmm…second thought not enough exclamation points.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – that’s better.
“And we are back, downtime-not enough seconds from the second nights dinner and too much time between courses. So far I rate the front of house 4/10 and the back off house 5/10. I was astounded by the taste much better than I thought but needed MUCH BETTER presentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I rate the main course 7/10.
Lets find out the results for the dessert, right after the brake, DO NOT go anywhere!!!!!!”
HELP!!! I’m getting murdered by a mad-man with a homemade knife NOOOOOO!!!!!!
(Splattering sounds of the homemade knife getting stabbed into me)
Only 5/45 minutes until we get to eat dessert… - OI!
…YAY its ready!!!
I like dessert!!!!!
The venturer is content.
“On air in, 3… 2… 1”
“And we are back again, we’ve just got the results in for the dessert and it looks as if they haven’t been doing that well. There was an astounding 45 minute wait from after dinner to the serving of the dessert, I personally would not be too pleased with this service in a restaurant. And now lets check out the results for dessert, OK. For the back of house we have… 5/10 that sounds ok, there’s been some improvement from the main course, and for the front of house we have.. 6/10 alright for the taste of the chocolate pudding we have… 7/10, one of the customers say that “didn’t look very appetizing and was ok at first but wasn’t as nice near the end. And for the presentation we have… 4/10, as one of the customers say “looked ok but didn’t look very appetizing.” And the final score for all of tonight’s food is…. 55/70, best one we have had so far from the GORDON SCOUT TROOP, we will see u next time on MASTERCHEF SCOUT EDITION!!!! GOOD NIGHT EVERY BODY SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK!!!!!
I like dessert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday -- The morning after – we are rudely awoken after a sleep-in with the usual Revile and other assorted musical tracks.
An appropriate song would have been – "Its raining again" by Gloria Gaynor!!
Abba SOS is played – Phil and Sam are happy.
I like breakfast!!! (especially with custard)
Breakfast was an all you can eat buffet today! (including ICE-CREAM!!!)
Esteemed Zone Scout leader is happy – he had his mushrooms sautéed in grape-juice and made an omelette – all served nicely on a bit of a crust – or was that a old crumpet – the bread that is (not Roger)
Last night it rained a bit – then it rained some more and just when you thought it can’t get nay worse – the rain shifted into 2nd gear, then third and fourth to end up in full monsoon down-pour gear. It was so loud it even drowned out -- wait for it -- Roger’s snoring and that’s saying something!!
It was a teeny-weeny bit wet driving home and the waterfalls near Arthurs Pass were – stunning. Got soaked just walking 50 meters from car to Info center – met another scout leader there!! Then further on home – a rock-fall just as we drove past and then the nicest thing happened – it stopped raining – and – yusssss -- it snowed on Porters Pass!!!!
post script - these are the raw Materials and a finished product - image used from a previous knife trip!!