As you can see we had two motels to bunk down with / in and their
kitchen's - well - could not be much more different. In the first motel we
stayed the floorspace was HUGE while in the second one one was afraid to
breath in - or should that be breath o u t ^^. The first kitchen had 10 cub-boards and it is miles from the fridge to the stove (well ok - just short of 10 meters) and in the other - hmmmm the fridge is under the sink. It amused Mamabear that if

you wanted to USE the Microwave oven you had to physically lift it of its resting place and put on top of the counter between Oven and sink! They did have 2(!!! ONLY) of everything though - plates knife etc. and best of all - a wireless internet connection - which was great as it was the first time I could catch up and deal with outstanding emails!!
Oh and seeing that we had some sort of Italian meal out in a nice place in Orewa - which was not licensed, we - or that should be me - the old bear - had a glass or two of some very nice flavoured red medicinal drink!

The Sand dunes at the Woodhill Forest! A pity that the still photo does not capture the glint!! It was like having zillions of tiny diamonds scattered in the sand! Very nice and mesmerizing to look at!
The entrance to the beach - mentioned at yesterdays blog entry!!

After a quick and easy roast chicken lunch (courtesy of NW in Helensville) we continued to drive around eventually got lost just north of Orewa. Next morning we stopped at the Kauri museum just south of Warkworth. With Mamabear working in the Timber industry she was keen on guessing the log on display and she got most of it right - impressive!! The Museum itself is along the

same lines as our famous shantytown on the westcoast (south island) but on a much simpler case. There is only one house and it has many static displays - including a "fashion" display that features urm - many garments I almost wish mamabear could see herself in ^^

There is a interesting walkway through the bush with many stations explaining the growth of the various trees (all I could see is timber for wood working and a fire place) and pride and honour are the two main Kauri trees - reported to be 600 and 800 years old.

The last thing that was cool to see were plenty of silverferns. You have to turn the leaves over to see the "Silver" part of the fern and of course it comes in handy if you are lost in the bush as the 'silver' fern can be seen for miles in the dark and the rescue chopper people really like this to guide them and help find the lost people in the bush!

Meant to say before - there is this certain SBS advertisment in TV - and we kinda guessed the location and yup - a very quick drive across to Thames on the Sat morning found the location of the TV shoot.
The add features Sandy's supperette and a nice boy/girl interchange at the end.
My pic taken from almost the same spot - I knew I had seen this location before -from a previous trip through Thames - Coromandel. we had lunch there but did not see Sandy's Supperette - I think that was just a temp fake store for the Tv's!!
Anyhow - Moo-ving along

Ever seen the Film - "the Birds" from Alfred Hitchock?? We certainly had that feeling while eating our lunch at Warkworth - which was very nice - except for being watched. As soon as we stood up and had moved ONE pace away from the table it was all on and any leftovers where gone in a flash!!
Scarry stuff

These locals where a pleasant surprise. Came across the street to take a bath in the local gutter. Funny thing was, that afterwards the little ones looked dirtier then before. Something about a bird in the gutter . . . . . ^^ Reminded me of someone - can't think of who at the mo.

Last stop over we had before hoofing it back to Auckland (and give
Mamabear the severe road rage - urm - make that road fright (due to the
4-lane-ing on the Auckland motorway and the sometime chaotic evening rush hour traffic)) was
at the aptly named RED beach!! No red-necked anyone there - it is so
named for the local shells who have a very distinct red shell and of
course over time mother nature pounds them up into tiny pieces who
eventually become sand - whence its name. I must go and look up the name
for the shells - eventually - but yeah - it made for a last and
interesting stroll round the beach!
That's all folks - another road trip in to Pohutukawa country completed! Must say - we are looking forward to the time when we can retire and live up there more permanently - eventually! Must go and save some pennies for the next trip! Tudeloo - PB