Monday, March 14, 2016

Coromandel trip 2016 - or - checking out paradise to chill out in

Monday, March 14, 2016
oldbearnews editor

Monday 14 March

Usual up – although given last nights (11pm-ish) nocturnal noises coming from one of lovebirds in one of the other units next door to us - a sleep-in might have been nice.  ^.^
On second thoughts - these noises sounded urm = pathetic.  The wicked in me suggested we download some decent 10 min porno-track and then play that back as loud as possible  ^.^   Reminds me of a similar experience we had in San Francisco with paper-thin walls . . . . .

Anyhow - sleep eventually came late and we woke early . . . . .
No sign of the nocturnal love birds from next door . . . .

Cathedral cave from the sea

Thus - brekkie & clean etc as usual then on to the road and meet our skipper of the Sea-cave adventure – a 2.something hour boat ride along the Coromandel coast – heading past Cooks Beach and almost all the way to Hot Water beach – plenty to see and enjoy!! The sea was  VERY clear – you can see down to 15 meters below! wohoooo

Also saw plenty of the locals (Snapper)!! And - no - you cannot fish those - they are inside and part of the local marine reserve.

The beauty of the cruise was that
A - you got there directly - the whole round journey took just over two hours - while by car it takes  more like 3 hours total and
B -  you got to see some things you would never see if you just walked along the coast line - to many caves and cliffs you can see / access only by boat! Indeed some you can enter only in high tide - and yes we were lucky that day!
Saw an amazing blow-hole.  As we were on a inflatable Zodiac - I didn't want to take all my camera gear - so Cell-phone it was and also - I am sure - he would have refused me spending 20 minutes setting up and snapping away from the little inside beach that was . . . . .

Enterprising chap I am - I filched some pictures from the Internet as pictorial reminders.
One of these days - I may have to go back and book a boat exclusively . . . .  Hmnmmm

To soon we were back home so strolled to bakery and had late lunch then past some shops in a semi exploring rate / need to get some stuff for dinner mode!!

Had a 2km stroll along the beach again to cool down the legs and freshen up!  Love these reflections!!!

A picture from NZ Tourism??  and yes - it does look this stunning.  Hmmmm wonder what kind of lens they took to get to this image??? 
Fish eye?

Same hole - different photographer . . . .

:P  yes of course - I SWAM away from the boat along with my camera and took this!  Honest!

Mamabears image- looking back out to sea.

Technically I understand how they got to this image!! A part of me wanted to try and do this as well - alas we didn't make time for a extended visit.  There is always a next time and I KNOW my Sister wants to go there next year  ^.0  yusssss

Local birds of the feathered variety on the look out for a free snack

Thats not half of it!! Thought of Martina and her efforts in Akaroa! :)
Anyhow - every time we stroll along in the surf I find a whole (unbroken) shell and since they are so colorful - I pick one up and take it back to the motel.  Mamabear says I can take ONLY one per day back to Christchurch.  We shall see :)

We eventually made it back to our Motel late afternoon for some more chill time and then cooked dinner and had afters - urm - dessert!!   Wino fino is still great!

Have fun!

PS - Meant to add - Mamabear had already noticed but could not explain why so many houses had a tractor (sometimes old and rusty) parked either in their lean too or front lawn or some place.  Chap on the boat explained that many locals have posh cars - but not much towing grunt - so rather then risking salt water on their precious cars - they buy an old tractor and use that to drive the boat trailer into the sea and let loose their yacht or speed boat or rowing dinghy . . .  

Makes sense

Then once a year they "dress" up their old brumm brumm and have some fun - the tractor bash!!!

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